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Monday, February 19, 2018
Bretagne, France
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Toujours plus loin, sans jamais se perdre...
Always further, without ever getting lost ...
Siempre más lejos, sin perderse ...
دائما أكثر من ذلك، دون أن تضيع من أي وقت مضى ...
Les Bretons sont de grands voyageurs... Cette boussole flotante ancêtre du GPS en a guidé plus d'un... enfin pas celle là, car celel ci c'est celle de mon fils qui me l'a donné pour faire un TB...
Sa Mission est de voyager toujours plus loin, sans jamais se perdre...
The Bretons are great travelers ... This floating compass ancestor of GPS has guided more than one ... well not this one, because this is the one of my son who gave it to me to make a TB ...
His mission is to travel ever further, without ever getting lost ...
Los bretones son grandes viajeros ... Este antecesor de brújula flotante de GPS ha guiado a más de uno ... bueno, no a este, porque este es el de mi hijo que me lo dio para fabricar un TB. ...
Su misión es viajar cada vez más, sin perderse....
البريتونيون مسافرون عظيمون ... هذا الجد العائم البوصلة من نظام تحديد المواقع قد توجه أكثر من واحد ... حسنا ليس هذا واحد، لأن هذا هو واحد من ابني الذي أعطاه لي لجعل السل ...
مهمته هي السفر أكثر من أي وقت مضى، دون أن تضيع أبدا ...
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Tracking History (6313.2mi) View Map
Joco63 posted a note for it
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stephencooke8 posted a note for it
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matzhd discovered it
Quintana Roo, Mexico
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Im Cache an den Ruinen gesehen,alles ok,gute Reise.
Marres discovered it
Quintana Roo, Mexico
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The compass lingers in a can at Mayan ruins. Despite rainy weather, he has it dry and waiting for further travel.
Wallok placed it in Ruinas Arqueologicas
Quintana Roo, Mexico
- 4,844.67 miles
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Wallok took it to Ruinas Arqueologicas
Quintana Roo, Mexico
- 248.17 miles
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Wallok took it to The Great Pyramid of Calakmul
Campeche, Mexico
- 5,098.31 miles
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Wallok took it to Mailers - Palenque
Campeche, Mexico
- 81.89 miles
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Wallok took it to Yaxchilán
Chiapas, Mexico
- 5,205.53 miles
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Wallok took it to SF -=00=- TB HOTEL 01 =
Bretagne, France
- 314.91 miles
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