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Geocaching HQ Tag HQ Tag on Mardi Gras jack o'lantern

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brentnlaurie Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Friday, October 28, 2016
California, United States
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Current Goal

This electronic jack o'lantern on mardi gras beads would like to go to Mount Rushmore just because.

About This Item

My friend Terry won this jack o'lantern in a bingo game and gave it to me, so I decided to send it traveling. Terry has always wanted to go to Mount Rushmore so we decided to send Jack there. We ask that each person that moves Jack will wear him for a little while, preferably with the lights switched on, just for fun. Pictures would be appreciated, especially as he reaches his goal. Don't forget to get a glass of water at Wall Drug on your way.

As an aside, the parent of the trackable tag is in my collection so as you travel with Jack you might see him being discovered in myriad places. Just flow with it.

Gallery Images related to HQ Tag on Mardi Gras jack o'lantern

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    Tracking History (10384.9mi) View Map

    Dropped Off 10/21/2024 Golfeurs40HX placed it in BASQUES A9 Québec, Canada - 231.07 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 10/5/2024 Golfeurs40HX retrieved it from Route de la Beauce DS 3 Letterbox Québec, Canada   Visit Log

    Merci pour le TB
    Nous le ferons voyager

    Discovered It 10/1/2024 GéoSpyder discovered it Québec, Canada   Visit Log

    Vu dans les mains d’Ours Curieux. Merci de partager 🤠.

    Discovered It 9/27/2024 Fullbrou discovered it   Visit Log

    Vu dans les mains d'Ours Curieux. Merci.

    Dropped Off 9/27/2024 Ours Curieux placed it in Route de la Beauce DS 3 Letterbox Québec, Canada - 73.74 miles  Visit Log
    Dropped Off 9/14/2024 Lucky_Al placed it in CITO AUTOMNAL à SHERBY ! Québec, Canada - 65.54 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 9/13/2024 Ours Curieux retrieved it from CITO AUTOMNAL à SHERBY ! Québec, Canada   Visit Log

    Va voyager un peu...

    Discovered It 9/13/2024 Papou discovered it   Visit Log

    Discovered at the Lucky_Al event last night. Thank you for sharing.
    Découvert lors de l'event de Lucky_Al hier soir. Merci.

    Discovered It 9/12/2024 guiznot discovered it   Visit Log

    Vu à l'event de Lucky_Al
    Merci de partager

    Discovered It 9/12/2024 SAS & cie discovered it   Visit Log

    Vu à l'event de septembre de Lucky Al, merci de partager!

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