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Generation Nature Trackable Emperor's Rising Sun

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Friday, July 10, 2015
Missouri, United States
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In Auf Wiedersehen, Berlin!

Visit Generation and become a Game Changer for Nature! Take photos of your family exploring the outdoors, holding this trackable and share them using #GenNTrackContest on Twitter or Instagram and if your photo receives the most votes, you could win 4 tickets to SeaWorld® or Busch Gardens®! Share your photos from June 8th to September 8, 2015. Note: if your social media account is protected or marked “private” – we will not be able to consider you for the contest. Learn more about the geocaching promotion here. is an online destination all about your kids; their world, their passion, and their ability to make a real difference in conserving wildlife and their homes. With animal ambassador, Bindi Irwin as their guide, kids will watch cool videos and learn about amazing animals. Visit and take part in a movement that’s all about youth, energy, fun and becoming a true Game Changer for Nature!

Do you have kids that love animals and nature? Be sure to sign up here to receive email from SeaWorld Kids!

Visit for more details and complete contest rules.

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Contest begins 10 a.m. ET on 6/8/15 and all entries must be received by 11:59 p.m. ET on 9/8/15. Open only to citizens or legal permanent residents of the 50 U.S. and D.C. age 18 or older. Void where prohibited. Subject to full official rules at: Sponsor: SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment, Inc., 9205 Southpark Center Loop, Suite 400, Orlando, FL 32821.

This is not collectible.

Use TB73Y02 to reference this item.

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Current Goal

Love to see the rising sun in different states , but would love to see the rising sun in Europe eventually  Please only take if you intend to keep it moving. 

About This Item

Nature trackable   

Tracking History (134315.7mi) View Map

Dropped Off 4/28/2024 quietscheente placed it in Auf Wiedersehen, Berlin! Berlin, Germany - 25.7 miles  Visit Log
Visited 4/21/2024 quietscheente took it to 4.Teerapiesitzung: Regel-Bruch Berlin, Germany - 16.63 miles  Visit Log
Visited 4/16/2024 quietscheente took it to Ich sammle WAS am Abend Brandenburg, Germany - 28.43 miles  Visit Log
Visited 4/15/2024 quietscheente took it to Birkenstumpf Berlin, Germany - .1 miles  Visit Log
Visited 4/15/2024 quietscheente took it to Torlose Alternative:Ecke Berlin, Germany - 8.48 miles  Visit Log
Visited 4/15/2024 quietscheente took it to Bei Luke 6 Berlin, Germany - 8.56 miles  Visit Log
Visited 4/15/2024 quietscheente took it to Weltzeituhr - ich will auch Geocacher zu Besuch Berlin, Germany - .01 miles  Visit Log
Visited 4/15/2024 quietscheente took it to Stammtisch „Rund um die Berolina” — April 2024 Berlin, Germany - 7.02 miles  Visit Log
Visited 4/15/2024 quietscheente took it to Markttag am Antonplatz Berlin, Germany - 7.02 miles  Visit Log
Visited 4/15/2024 quietscheente took it to Vor dem Dienstgebäude #37 Berlin, Germany - 4.68 miles  Visit Log
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