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7-1-18-13-9-14 GARMIN Geocoin

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Manfred8bm Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Niedersachsen, Germany
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of the owner.

This is not collectible.

Use TB710GY to reference this item.

First time logging a Trackable? Click here.

Current Goal

Bleibt als Erinnerung immer bei mir.

Also nur zum discovern !







About This Item

Diesen Coin habe ich direkt von einem Mitarbeiter von Garmin erhalten.

Ihm hat unsere Verkleidung ( Anton's Helm ) so gut gefallen.

Geschehen beim GC55555

Tracking History (76953.5mi) View Map

Discovered It 5/30/2024 Breun discovered it   Visit Log

Irgendwann mal gesehen

Discovered It 8/20/2023 Kopretina discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered at Geocaching Birthday Party in Seattle.
Thanks for sharing.

Discovered It 3/2/2023 skandal_illa discovered it   Visit Log

Seen during my crazy trip with Madhaus01 in Canada and the US for the 20(+2)th anniversary celebration. Thank you for sharing!

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Discovered It 3/2/2023 skandal_illa discovered it   Visit Log

Seen during my crazy trip with Madhaus01 in Canada and the US for the 20(+2)th anniversary celebration. Thank you for sharing!

...................... skandal_illa.........................
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Discovered It 1/22/2023 InBird010 discovered it   Visit Log

Gezien tijdens het geocachen.

Discovered It 1/22/2023 InBird010 discovered it   Visit Log

Gezien tijdens het geocachen.

Discovered It 1/21/2023 Lucky'7 discovered it   Visit Log

I've been a bit careless and forgot to discover my found trackables for a while. I came across your TB last year, but unfortunately I don't remember whether it was in a cache, in someone's hands, in a log, in the field, during an event or on the road. Thanks for sharing & happy caching!

Discovered It 1/21/2023 Lucky'7 discovered it   Visit Log

I've been a bit careless and forgot to discover my found trackables for a while. I came across your TB last year, but unfortunately I don't remember whether it was in a cache, in someone's hands, in a log, in the field, during an event or on the road. Thanks for sharing & happy caching!

Discovered It 1/3/2023 Ray_FI discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered and seen along the way at events and in caches. And shown at the internet.
Greetings Ray_FI ⚓

Discovered It 1/3/2023 RaoulO discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered it. Thank you for sharing.

data on this page is cached for 3 mins