50 jaar ma Piranja
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Thursday, July 2, 2015
Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
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Geocaching bestaat nu 15 jaar, ma Piranja is ietsjes ouder. We hopen dat deze coin gaat reizen naar alle continenten, ook de wens van ma Piranja om dat ooit nog eens te volbrengen.
Deze coin gekregen voor mijn 50e verjaardag van team Frensel. Bijzonder blij met deze mooie coin!
Gallery Images related to 50 jaar ma Piranja
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Tracking History (244199.5mi) View Map
3piranja's took it to 6 - Ölballenangelherausforderung
Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
- .21 miles
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3piranja's took it to 4 - Ölballenangelherausforderung
Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
- .07 miles
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3piranja's took it to 3 - Ölballenangelherausforderung
Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
- .07 miles
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3piranja's took it to 2 - Ölballenangelherausforderung
Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
- .07 miles
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3piranja's took it to 1 - Ölballenangelherausforderung
Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
- 38.55 miles
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3piranja's took it to Castellum Traiectum
Utrecht, Netherlands
- 42.2 miles
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3piranja's took it to Postcard from the past
Utrecht, Netherlands
- 42.41 miles
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3piranja's took it to Een Hollands eitje
Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
- .52 miles
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3piranja's took it to Geo-Lied
Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
- 8.03 miles
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3piranja's took it to Minions in het bos
Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
- 26.1 miles
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