004 - Dobrý skutek/Good deed/Gute Tat
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Saturday, May 5, 2012
Jihomoravský kraj, Czechia
Recently Spotted:
In GMM Mare#22
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[CZ] Udělej pro někoho dobrý skutek...
[EN] Do a good deed for someone...
[D] Machen eine gute Tat für jemanden...
[CZ] Koukni na misi, prostě proveď a nech TB v další kešce...
[EN] Just look at mission, make it and put TB to another cache...
[D] Gerade in Mission, machen es und legte TB auf einem anderen Cache...
Gallery Images related to 004 - Dobrý skutek/Good deed/Gute Tat
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Tracking History (26839.8mi) View Map
die Stare discovered it
Liguria, Italy
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JacopoMii placed it in GMM Mare#22
Liguria, Italy
- 29.28 miles
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JacopoMii took it to Ai confini della Repubblica di Genova
Piemonte, Italy
- .36 miles
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JacopoMii took it to Parco Castello di Novi Ligure
Piemonte, Italy
- .21 miles
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JacopoMii took it to Antiche mura di Novi Ligure
Piemonte, Italy
- 2.43 miles
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JacopoMii took it to Rudere del vecchio tunnel
Piemonte, Italy
- .17 miles
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JacopoMii took it to 2
Piemonte, Italy
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JacopoMii took it to 2
Piemonte, Italy
- .2 miles
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JacopoMii took it to 3
Piemonte, Italy
- 1.92 miles
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JacopoMii took it to Castello di Pozzolo Formigaro [GSG22]NF
Piemonte, Italy
- 20.51 miles
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