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Travel Bug Dog Tag E. L. Craven TB

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Beerfrog8 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Florida, United States
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of Caching_Wolfs.

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Current Goal

To visit all those spooky caches.. 

About This Item

So, last year, I was invited to do the Blackshear Georgia challenge.. Some of the best caches for a challenge. Plus, the coin you get was very impressive, as well. We did the challenge during Halloween.. I was told about a haunted funeral parlor.. A group of us went and had a blast.. Will be back again. Saw this key chain and thought, this would be a great idea... Move this along to those scary caches... If you get a chance, check out the web sites, for E. L. Craven haunted funeral parlor, Blackshear Ga. The utube video is scary, as well.


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    Tracking History (5666.5mi) View Map

    Visited 5/21/2015 The Gator Bait Four took it to Falling Creek Quicky Florida - 14.05 miles  Visit Log

    Visited Falling Creek Quicky (GC2XQTB)

    Visited 5/21/2015 The Gator Bait Four took it to Cresting the Continental Divide – In Florida? Florida   Visit Log

    Visited Cresting the Continental Divide – In Florida? (GC5DG4M)

    Visited 5/21/2015 The Gator Bait Four took it to Cresting the Continental Divide – In Florida? Florida - 80.41 miles  Visit Log

    Visited Cresting the Continental Divide – In Florida? (GC5DG4M)

    Visited 5/21/2015 The Gator Bait Four took it to The hill has eyes Georgia - 36.82 miles  Visit Log

    Visited The hill has eyes (GC5K78F)

    Visited 5/20/2015 The Gator Bait Four took it to Mile High Georgia - 19.89 miles  Visit Log

    Visited Mile High (GC5H1Y9)

    Visited 5/20/2015 The Gator Bait Four took it to EYE SPY WITH MY GLITTER EYE Georgia - .12 miles  Visit Log


    Visited 5/20/2015 The Gator Bait Four took it to Don't put all your Eggs in One Basket (Again) Georgia - 6.25 miles  Visit Log

    Visited Don't put all your Eggs in One Basket (Again) (GC58MD1)

    Visited 5/20/2015 The Gator Bait Four took it to klitzeklein Georgia - 2.29 miles  Visit Log

    Visited klitzeklein (GC513MK)

    Visited 5/20/2015 The Gator Bait Four took it to LIT Park Cache Georgia - 74.64 miles  Visit Log

    Visited LIT Park Cache (GC2BYV7)

    Visited 5/19/2015 The Gator Bait Four took it to Rising Tides Georgia - 60.46 miles  Visit Log
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