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Allstar Geocoin Allstar Geocoin blau

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ratz1972 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
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Kann bei mir Discovern werden:-)

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Allstar Turnschuh geocoin!

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Tracking History (75427.2mi) View Map

Visited 10/1/2023 ratz1972 took it to 🔑 Aufgeschlossen?! 🔑 Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany - 300.1 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/26/2023 ratz1972 took it to Skriv en lille hilsen - Reload Region Syddanmark, Denmark - 1.5 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/26/2023 ratz1972 took it to Skovens druer Region Syddanmark, Denmark - 218.38 miles  Visit Log
Visited 2/8/2023 ratz1972 took it to Montecristo -El secreto del cigarro Niedersachsen, Germany - 121.82 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/13/2022 ratz1972 took it to *** Mit der Kurtaxe aus der Anstalt *** Niedersachsen, Germany - 137.61 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/6/2022 ratz1972 took it to Maeseyck - The Virtual Limburg, Belgium - 209.77 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/15/2022 ratz1972 took it to HoHoHo Thüringen, Germany - 338.33 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/9/2022 ratz1972 took it to Omas neuer Job Niedersachsen, Germany - 443.92 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/28/2022 ratz1972 took it to First Malcesine Veneto, Italy - 436.26 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/4/2022 ratz1972 took it to Spielende Kinder Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany - 3.88 miles  Visit Log
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