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Geocaching Logo Travel Tag 1st TB for MTYG804

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PLUTAKII Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, October 29, 2016
New Jersey, United States
Recently Spotted:
In Reha Dr. Phu (TB-Hotel)

This is not collectible.

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Current Goal

When I was a kid, I loved Fragle Rock. I looked forward to postcards from Uncle Traveling Matt.  In some way I would love for this travel bug to serve as that for my daughter, whom this travel bug is created for.  She's almost 3 months old at the time of  this TB release  (Oct 29, 2016 @ the Metro Gathering Mega Event 2016)

I wish for my daughter to learn more about the world and perhaps travel more than I have.  My hope with this TB is that she will receive postcards from various locations from around the USA and the world and be inspired to see it all for herself.

You do not have to participate in sending a postcard to move the travel bug; I encourage you to keep it moving.

However, if you would like to help create a sense of adventure and would like to send a postcard, please message me via the geocaching messaging system for the address.

Many thanks.

"Oh the places you'll go..."



About This Item

Age appropriate for a 3 month old

This is the very first travel bug for my daughter.  She is almost 3 months old and I thought the items on the travel tag were age appropriate for the time.

Please see mission statement for hopes and goals.


Gallery Images related to 1st TB for MTYG804

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Tracking History (37625.8mi) View Map

Dropped Off 9/16/2024 Phuryhr placed it in Reha Dr. Phu (TB-Hotel) Basel Landschaft, Switzerland - 58.75 miles  Visit Log

Nachdem du umgehend auf die Behandlung in der Reha Dr. Phu reagiert hast, kannst du schon bald wieder weiterreisen. Est kommst du noch etwas in die Ruhezone um deine Rekonvaleszenz vollkommen abzuschliessen.

Ich wünsche dir eine schöne und erlebnisreiche Weiterreise. Pass gut auf dich auf.
Alles Gute und viel Spass
Dr. Phu

p.s. Falls dich der angebrachte Tag mit aufgedrucktem Reiseziel stört, schreibe es mir einfach. Ich kann diesen auch wieder entfernen.

Retrieve It from a Cache 9/2/2024 Phuryhr retrieved it from Reha Dr. Phu (TB-Hotel) Basel Landschaft, Switzerland   Visit Log

Um dich wieder auf Vordermann zu bringen verlege ich dich erst mal in den Privatstationsbereich der Reha. Dort wirst du eingehend untersucht und gepflegt. Danach darfst du in den Garten und dich erholen zur Weiterreise. Bis dahin darfst du jedoch keinen Besuch empfangen.

Dropped Off 7/17/2024 Staerneching placed it in Reha Dr. Phu (TB-Hotel) Basel Landschaft, Switzerland - 21.99 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/14/2024 Staerneching took it to Feierabendbier Event 🍻⚽ - Finale Aargau, Switzerland - .02 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/14/2024 Staerneching took it to Hopfen und Malz verloren (Kurzmulti / LAB-Zugabe) Aargau, Switzerland - 37.75 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/14/2024 Staerneching took it to Lab-Cache-Bonus - Einsiedler Spezialitäten Schwyz, Switzerland - 1.88 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/14/2024 Staerneching took it to #60 BONUS Der Traum vom blauen Wasser Schwyz, Switzerland - .85 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/14/2024 Staerneching took it to Bellevue #7 Schwyz, Switzerland - .16 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/14/2024 Staerneching took it to #59 Der Traum vom blauen Wasser Schwyz, Switzerland - .84 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/14/2024 Staerneching took it to #58 Der Traum vom blauen Wasser Schwyz, Switzerland - .21 miles  Visit Log
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