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Travel Bug Dog Tag Äst`lein

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Thursday, June 4, 2015
Sachsen, Germany
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Current Goal

Der junge Ast möchte seine großen Vorfahren kennen lernen. 


Helft ihm dabei, die größten und ältesten Bäume zu finden. 

The young branch wants to get to know his great ancestors.


Help him find the biggest and oldest trees.


About This Item



Hallo, meine Name ist "Äst`lein"

und ich komme aus Sächsichen Wäldern.

Ich Träume jede Nacht

von meinen Ur - Ur - Urgroßvätern die überall auf dem Planet 


Ich möchte sie so gern kennen lernen. Also mache ich mich auf in die weite Welt, 

um sie zu suchen.



Hi, my name is "Äst`lein"

and I am from Saxon forests.

I dream every night of my grandfathers everywhere on the planet


I so would like to get to know. So I set off into the wide world

to look for her.



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Tracking History (23947.8mi) View Map

Visited 6/30/2018 Bitoque446 took it to Secou... Portalegre, Portugal - 63.86 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/30/2018 Bitoque446 took it to Convento Nossa Senhora da Estrela Portalegre, Portugal - .22 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/30/2018 Bitoque446 took it to Igreja do Calvário Portalegre, Portugal - 111.22 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/30/2018 Bitoque446 took it to Castelo de Marvão Portalegre, Portugal - 111.15 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/29/2018 Bitoque446 took it to Área de Serviço A16 Mira Sintra W-E Lisboa, Portugal - 10.3 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/26/2018 Bitoque446 took it to Grand Hotel TB da Portela Lisboa, Portugal - 68.39 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/16/2018 Bitoque446 took it to Seiça - Projeto Concelho de Ourem Santarém, Portugal - 16 miles  Visit Log
Grab It (Not from a Cache) 6/16/2018 Bitoque446 grabbed it   Visit Log

Find it in Imagem Peregrina dos Casais da Abadia

Visited 6/14/2018 bmps2003 took it to Moinhos do Antigamente... [PT/EN] V.2 - BA05 Santarém, Portugal - 23.82 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/10/2018 bmps2003 took it to Castanheira - Lago Azul [Ferreira do Zezere] - B71 Santarém, Portugal - 19.2 miles  Visit Log
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