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Mapamundi XXL Geocoin

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Saturday, February 10, 2018
Zlínský kraj, Czechia
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Velká varianta mince Mapamundi XXL Geocoin má průměr 90 mm, tloušťku 5mm.

Židovský kartograf Abraham Cresques sestavil v roce 1375 Atlas Catalan, první mapu světa, na které byla poprvé použita kompasová růžice. Kompletně rozložená mapa je 65 cm vysoká a tři metry dlouhá. Kromě vlastní mapy obsahuje další motivy, pokyny pro navigaci, kalendář a souhvězdí.

Centrálním motivem je Ptolemaiovský model světa. Astronom je obklopen čtyřmi základními prvky a sedmi tehdy známými nebeskými tělesy (Měsíc, Merkur, Venuše, Slunce, Mars, Saturn a Jupiter). V dalších prstencích jsou zobrazena souhvězdí, znamení zvěrokruhu a různé fáze měsíce.


Cresques Abraham of the cartographic school on Majorca drew the atlas catalan, a world atlas. It was drawn in 1375 and it was the first time that a map used a compass rose. Completely unfolded the atlas is 65 cm high (2 feet) and 3 m long (10 feet). It does not only contain maps with miscellaneous figures and motives but also instructions for navigation, calendars and interpreting for star constellations. The French national library has an original of this atlas.

The central motive of the atlas' calendar wheel is the geocentric world of Ptolemy. In the center is an astronomer with a quadrant and the four elements: Earth, Water, Air and Fire (Terra, Aigua, Aær, Foch). Further shown are the orbits of the seven known celestial objects: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter (Luna, Mærcuri, Vænus, Sol, Març, Saturnus, Louis).

The next ring shows for each object a figure and a text about position and appearance.

The following ring shows the 12 signs of the zodiac and a ring with various moon phases.

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Visited 3/17/2018 JellyCZ took it to Series Madness #4 Pardubický kraj, Czechia - .78 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/17/2018 JellyCZ took it to Vicenova studanka Pardubický kraj, Czechia - .17 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/17/2018 JellyCZ took it to U Louceni Pardubický kraj, Czechia - .2 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/17/2018 JellyCZ took it to U Certouska / At Little Devil Pardubický kraj, Czechia - .21 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/17/2018 JellyCZ took it to UNO 08 Kaple Nanebevstoupeni Pane Pardubický kraj, Czechia - .26 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/17/2018 JellyCZ took it to UNO 10 HISTORICKE NADRAZI Pardubický kraj, Czechia - .03 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/17/2018 JellyCZ took it to Opukove udoli/Marlite valley, Usti nad Orlici Pardubický kraj, Czechia - 7.05 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/17/2018 JellyCZ took it to Chocensky zamek Pardubický kraj, Czechia - 85.96 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/17/2018 JellyCZ took it to Pomnicky na chocenskem nadrazi Pardubický kraj, Czechia - 85.78 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/10/2018 JellyCZ took it to TREASURE ISLAND Zlínský kraj, Czechia - 45.11 miles  Visit Log
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