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Cacher On Board Cacher On Board - Terezin

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teddy277 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Friday, May 23, 2014
Małopolskie, Poland
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of the owner.

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Use TB6GX25 to reference this item.

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To jest geocachingowy numer użytkownika : teddy277.
Jeżeli mnie spotkałeś, zapamiętaj mój numer i później zaloguj jako "Discovered it".

This is the number of geocaching user : teddy277.
If you met me, remember my number and then login as "Discovered it".

About This Item

No additional details available.

Tracking History (74712mi) View Map

Visited 11/24/2024 teddy277 took it to Hefajstos Małopolskie, Poland - 5.43 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/26/2020 teddy277 took it to Dworek w Owczarach Małopolskie, Poland - .81 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/11/2020 teddy277 took it to Ares Małopolskie, Poland - 3.53 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/18/2020 teddy277 took it to Pocztówka z północy Małopolskie, Poland - 735.93 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/18/2020 teddy277 took it to Dwór w Minodze Małopolskie, Poland - 745.3 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/22/2020 teddy277 took it to La Baie des Anges (ex "Nice View") Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France - 7.23 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/22/2020 teddy277 took it to Fontvieille - Le chemin des Sculptures Monaco - 6.87 miles  Visit Log
Visited 2/29/2020 teddy277 took it to MONOPOLY NICE - Port Lympia Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France - 7.22 miles  Visit Log
Visited 2/29/2020 teddy277 took it to Jardins Saint-Martin Monaco - .57 miles  Visit Log
Visited 2/29/2020 teddy277 took it to la frontière de Monaco n° 3 Monaco - .51 miles  Visit Log
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