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Travel Bug Dog Tag The Hermit Crabs Joke Book

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lapsanlapsan Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, July 8, 2006
Iowa, United States
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of 2townjoe.

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Current Goal

This bug wants to get to "Hit the Bricks", a delightful cache in Berlin, Massachussetts. If you are going anywhere in that direction, or maybe even if you are not, give it a ride! But before you put it down, make sure to add your favorite joke to the next page of The Hermit Crabs Joke Book!

About This Item

Add your joke to the Hermit Crabs Joke Book!

The Hermit Crabs are two of our favorite people. They were there when we were courting, they were there at our wedding, and we love the holy hell out of them. They live their lives in a wee state all they way at the end of the country, and so we want to deliver unto them a book of Jokes to try to make their lives more cheery.

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Tracking History (1629.6mi) View Map

Retrieve It from a Cache 9/5/2008 HBmamaG retrieved it from Momma's Motivation Missouri   Visit Log

My son will be here in a couple of days. He'll enjoy this little bug.

Dropped Off 7/4/2008 hccurry placed it in Momma's Motivation Missouri - 214.54 miles  Visit Log
Grab It (Not from a Cache) 6/13/2008 hccurry grabbed it   Visit Log

found this in the ottawa scouting museum geocaching trail cache...which, by the way, is a great multi-cache...probably be headed for missouri over the fourth of july...have to get one of my great nephews or neices to provide the joke...thanks.

Dropped Off 4/29/2007 jay3207 placed it in Dry Run II Illinois - 188.84 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 11/18/2006 jay3207 retrieved it from Just Nutty Iowa   Visit Log

Took bug while in Iowa on vacation. We will place it in a cache in Illinois.

Write note 9/24/2006 lapsanlapsan posted a note for it   Visit Log

We dropped this TB in Just Nutty this morning. After weeks of trying to decide on a joke to start off with, we decided on one just before placing it in the cache.

Dropped Off 9/24/2006 lapsanlapsan placed it in Just Nutty Iowa   Visit Log
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