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Track-A-Tag Best Foot Forward

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Wibsey Wench Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, August 3, 2014
South West England, United Kingdom
Recently Spotted:
In Vom Romantikergarten zum Bielablick

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Current Goal

A simple mission for this Best Foot Forward trackable.... to indeed put your Best Foot forward when out caching. A firm footing is always needed when negotiating a wonky stile, or a path way full of mud or other things 'brown'!

A photo added to the log of your feet or boots would be a great way for us all to enjoy the adventure.

If taken to events please ensure it is logged both in and out correctly as several bugs have gone to meets and then have simply  vanished, thanks.

About This Item

Best Foot Forward

A metal former bottle opener from GO Outdoors, this little foot is a bright red in colour.

I guess we have all suffered from sore and tired feet when going that extra .1 etc., just to get that extra find. We call it the 'just one more' syndrome.... perhaps there should be a help group set up for us somewhere, with  a help line available!!!

Attached to this funky foot is a track-a-tag and small keyring, which gives a brief insight to the simple mission.

Please keep this TB on the move and enjoy..........

Gallery Images related to Best Foot Forward

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Tracking History (28404.6mi) View Map

Dropped Off 9/17/2024 red citron placed it in Vom Romantikergarten zum Bielablick Sachsen, Germany - 30.51 miles  Visit Log

Gute Weiterreise!

Grab It (Not from a Cache) 9/3/2024 red citron grabbed it   Visit Log

Weiter geht die Reise mit mir .....
Bis zum nächsten Döschen, welches mir passend zum ablegen erscheint.

Discovered It 9/3/2024 @MY discovered it   Visit Log

Danke und Glück auf ⚒, @MY

Visited 8/30/2024 ellamarie took it to 5000 Erdbären Sachsen, Germany - .67 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/30/2024 ellamarie took it to Mit Silvie auf Entdeckertour durch die Silberstadt Sachsen, Germany - 2.72 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/29/2024 ellamarie took it to Bahnhof Kleinschirma Sachsen, Germany - 1.54 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/29/2024 ellamarie took it to Freiberger Weihnacht 2023 #3 Sachsen, Germany - 1.19 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/29/2024 ellamarie took it to Mysterious Sightseeingtour FG Sachsen, Germany - .81 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/29/2024 ellamarie took it to Catch me if you can - Freiberg Edition Sachsen, Germany - 2.04 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/29/2024 ellamarie took it to Halsbrückner-Blick Sachsen, Germany - .7 miles  Visit Log
data on this page is cached for 3 mins