TB11AD4 [Coordinate Address Link] ▼
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Cache Rat would like to see the great wall of China and then return home to Concord, North Carolina
I am a friendly rat however if I am left in one cache too long I may try to gnaw my way out so keep me moving please.
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A sweet and noisy rat :-)
Gute Reise!
Aus dem TB Hotel befreit, Grüße von sixfeet 34
Heute im TB Hotel Weilerswist gesehen. Weiterhin gute Reise!
Seen in Cache "TB-Hotel A61 Weilerswist" 😁
Will move it forward to another Cache... somehow it looks different than on the picture
Dropped in TB & Coin Hotel "Grüne Hölle" (GC29JTA)
Otettiin kyytiin ainakin vähän itään päin :)
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