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Travel Bug Dog Tag Bootsie's Bug

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Team BlackBelt Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Friday, November 6, 2015
Alabama, United States
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of the owner.

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Use TB6CKR9 to reference this item.

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Current Goal

To enjoy the traveling lifestyle, meeting many friends along the way. Please help move me along, it's a great ride!

About This Item

No additional details available.

Tracking History (2119.5mi) View Map

Visited 1/3/2016 Team BlackBelt took it to funzer Alabama - 16.21 miles  Visit Log

Visited funzer (GC41JG9)

Visited 1/3/2016 Team BlackBelt took it to L'hotel de bogue de voyage (The travel bug hotel) Alabama - 23.08 miles  Visit Log

Visited L'hotel de bogue de voyage (The travel bug hotel) (GC15QQ7)

Visited 1/3/2016 Team BlackBelt took it to You can't get there from here Alabama - 25.81 miles  Visit Log

Visited You can't get there from here (GC2CZT0)

Visited 1/1/2016 Team BlackBelt took it to Decatur Always Alabama - 4.24 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/31/2015 Team BlackBelt took it to North Al Civil War Trail Rhea McEntire House Alabama   Visit Log

Visited North Al Civil War Trail Rhea McEntire House (GC6606H)

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