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Travel Bug Dog Tag Fam3xCE TB Flitzer 2.0

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Fam3xCE Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Friday, January 22, 2016
Hessen, Germany
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of Dottan.

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Current Goal

Hallo, ich bin Fam3xCE sein TB - Flitzer!

Ich nehme an einem TB Rennen teil das vom 01.02.2016 bis zum 01.02.2017 dauert und mein Ziel ist es so viele KM zurückzulegen wie nur möglich!!!
Also, helft mir auf meiner Reise und lass uns richtig Gummi geben.



Hello, I am the TB - Streaker from Fam3xCE!

I suppose a part of the TB race lasts from 01.02.2016 to 01.02.2017 and my goal is to cover as many KM as possible !!!
So, help me on my journey and let us give right rubber.


About This Item

Fam3xCE TB Flitzer 2.0

Ich würde gerne schöne Orte kennen lernen und als Erinnerung wäre ein Zielfoto meiner Zwischenstationen toll. So kann mein Owner immer sehen ob es mir gut geht und wo ich gerade lang düse!!
Am schnellsten bin ich in Tradis unterwegs und bleibe auch so nicht lange an einem Fleck.
Laßt mich bitte auch nicht so lange zu Hause liegen und schickt mich schnell weiter... denn der Weg, das ist mein Ziel !!!


I would like to meet nice places and as a reminder a photo finish my intermediate stations would be great. So can my owner always see, if I'm okay and where I just long nozzle ! ! !
The fastest way I am in Tradis go and stay even so not long in one spot.
Let me not be so long at home and sends me on quickly ... because the way that is my goal !!!

Gallery Images related to Fam3xCE TB Flitzer 2.0

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Tracking History (11625.2mi) View Map

Dropped Off 1/3/2022 Chevy-57 placed it in R 42 - TB-Hotell Ljurhalla Västra Götaland, Sweden - 104.76 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 11/20/2021 Dottan retrieved it from R 42 - TB-Hotell Ljurhalla Västra Götaland, Sweden   Visit Log

Hittad en snöig dag, inga vinterdäck på denna så den får åka med mig ett tag ;-)

Retrieve It from a Cache 11/13/2021 Chevy-57 retrieved it from Fumble after daylight Mini-FAD 2021 Linköping Östergötland, Sweden   Visit Log

Följer med en stund.

Dropped Off 11/13/2021 MacGyver72 placed it in Fumble after daylight Mini-FAD 2021 Linköping Östergötland, Sweden - 157.4 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 11/6/2021 MacGyver72 retrieved it from The Mine Västra Götaland, Sweden   Visit Log

Take this one with me for a little while.

Dropped Off 11/6/2021 bexelevs placed it in The Mine Västra Götaland, Sweden - 42.02 miles  Visit Log

Thank you for this time 😊! I leave you in this cache, it was published already in 2001! Enjoy 😃

Retrieve It from a Cache 10/31/2021 bexelevs retrieved it from 20 years of Geocaching! Västra Götaland, Sweden   Visit Log

Picked you up during a Community celebration event 😃

Dropped Off 10/31/2021 Creeper512 placed it in 20 years of Geocaching! Västra Götaland, Sweden - 99.73 miles  Visit Log

Gute Reise

Visited 10/27/2021 Creeper512 took it to Fredriksten festning Østfold, Norway - .13 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/27/2021 Creeper512 took it to The Golden Lion [Gyldenløve] fort Østfold, Norway - 16.84 miles  Visit Log
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