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Travel Bug Dog Tag Michael

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Bergfeldler Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Oberösterreich, Austria
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of wiola217.

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    Tracking History (10384.5mi) View Map

    Visited 6/20/2014 guelin took it to Crypt 2 Oberösterreich, Austria - 39.51 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 6/19/2014 guelin took it to Ibm 8 - Der Bonus Oberösterreich, Austria - 65.34 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 6/18/2014 guelin took it to Geocaching Oscars #5 - Best Art Direction Oberösterreich, Austria - 30.39 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 6/17/2014 guelin took it to How To: Lesen von Cachebeschreibungen Oberösterreich, Austria - 7.8 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 6/16/2014 guelin retrieved it from Maria Trost Oberösterreich, Austria   Visit Log

    Na dann nehmen wir Michael mal mit auf die Reise ...

    Dropped Off 6/9/2014 Bergfeldler placed it in Maria Trost Oberösterreich, Austria   Visit Log

    Abgelegt in Maria Trost

    data on this page is cached for 3 mins