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Travel Bug Dog Tag Green Ring

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schneehase10 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Monday, May 9, 2016
Niedersachsen, Germany
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of GaggleofGaithers.

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About This Item


das kleine grüne Ding möchte durch die Welt reisen, behalte ihn nicht zu lange - ihm wird schnell langweilig...!

Liebe Grüße

die Schneehasen

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Tracking History (63777.7mi) View Map

Discovered It 8/25/2021 Andre2k19 discovered it   Visit Log


Discovered It 10/9/2019 WiHö discovered it   Visit Log

discovered - thank you for showing and sharing.

Discovered It 11/26/2018 fred856 discovered it   Visit Log

Découvert - merci pour le partage

Visited 6/9/2018 GaggleofGaithers took it to Rest your Head Kentucky - 216.86 miles  Visit Log

Just stopping by on our way to Indiana!

Retrieve It from a Cache 6/9/2018 GaggleofGaithers retrieved it from Welcome to Tennessee Tennessee   Visit Log

Will be taking this guy back with us to Indiana!

Dropped Off 6/5/2018 lexebexe123 placed it in Welcome to Tennessee Tennessee - 351.53 miles  Visit Log

Take me to your next destination

Discovered It 5/27/2018 ironAss discovered it   Visit Log

Thanks for sharing

Retrieve It from a Cache 5/25/2018 lexebexe123 retrieved it from Arrow Tree Illinois   Visit Log

On to the next stop

Dropped Off 3/22/2018 2oldsobos placed it in Arrow Tree Illinois - 169.09 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/22/2018 2oldsobos took it to Virtual Challenge of Rockford Illinois   Visit Log
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