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FarmtagZ Blanche, het Belgische trekpaard

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patrick1956 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Monday, August 18, 2014
West-Vlaanderen, Belgium
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of badminton55.

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Current Goal

Travel around the world. One day you will come home again smiley.

Home destination is Brugge Belgie (N51°13.517,E003°12.456)



About This Item

Blanche het Belgische boerenpaard

The Belgian horse or Belgian draft horse, also known as Belgian Heavy Horse, Brabançon or Brabant, is a draft horse breed from the Brabant region of modern Belgium, where it is called the Cheval de trait belge or Flemish: Belgisch Trekpaard or Brabants Trekpaard or Brabander. It is one of the strongest of the heavy breeds.


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Tracking History (110972.3mi) View Map

Visited 12/22/2024 badminton55 took it to Bonus Lab Cache Zevekote West-Vlaanderen, Belgium - .1 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/22/2024 badminton55 took it to Opwarmen na Winter CITO Zevekote West-Vlaanderen, Belgium   Visit Log
Visited 12/22/2024 badminton55 took it to Opwarmen na Winter CITO Zevekote West-Vlaanderen, Belgium - 13.84 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/20/2024 badminton55 took it to Santa's coming to Bruges! West-Vlaanderen, Belgium   Visit Log
Visited 12/20/2024 badminton55 took it to Santa's coming to Bruges! West-Vlaanderen, Belgium - 18.27 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/29/2024 badminton55 took it to Santa's coming to Roeselare! West-Vlaanderen, Belgium   Visit Log
Visited 11/29/2024 badminton55 took it to Santa's coming to Roeselare! West-Vlaanderen, Belgium - 16.27 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/11/2024 badminton55 took it to Ontdek Gistel #3 West-Vlaanderen, Belgium - 1,602.92 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/11/2024 badminton55 took it to Bonus Lab Cache Gistel West-Vlaanderen, Belgium - .01 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/11/2024 badminton55 took it to Ontdek Gistel #1 West-Vlaanderen, Belgium - 1,603.96 miles  Visit Log
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