CâmaraFamily Racing Team
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Saturday, August 31, 2013
Arquipélago da Madeira, Portugal
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of O Bando dos X.
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Olá, eu sou o membro mais novo da CamaraFamily e preciso de alguém que me leve a passear por este mundo fora, não só para me dar a conhece-lo, mas tambem porque preciso de ganhar o máximo de Kms possíveis de forma a ganhar a corrida em que estou participando..., leva-me contigo, tira fotos comigo e depois coloca-me o mais rápido possível noutra cache, e se possivel, noutro país. Muito obrigado.
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QuestionMan took it to #17 [PR 6] Aldeias e margens do rio Ovelha
Porto, Portugal
- .13 miles
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QuestionMan took it to #16 [PR 6] Aldeias e margens do rio Ovelha
Porto, Portugal
- .59 miles
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QuestionMan took it to #15 [PR 6] Aldeias e margens do rio Ovelha
Porto, Portugal
- .12 miles
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QuestionMan took it to #14 [PR 6] Aldeias e margens do rio Ovelha
Porto, Portugal
- .11 miles
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QuestionMan took it to #13 [PR 6] Aldeias e margens do rio Ovelha
Porto, Portugal
- .33 miles
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QuestionMan took it to #12 [PR 6] Aldeias e margens do rio Ovelha
Porto, Portugal
- .38 miles
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QuestionMan took it to #11 [PR 6] Aldeias e margens do rio Ovelha
Porto, Portugal
- .28 miles
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QuestionMan took it to #10 [PR 6] Aldeias e margens do rio Ovelha
Porto, Portugal
- 7.88 miles
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QuestionMan took it to #09 [PR 6] Aldeias e margens do rio Ovelha
Porto, Portugal
- .12 miles
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QuestionMan took it to #08 [PR 6] Aldeias e margens do rio Ovelha
Porto, Portugal
- 7.86 miles
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