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Trackable Adventure Guide Tim the Husky

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twilly45 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Friday, February 7, 2014
Alberta, Canada
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of Hejoniv.

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Current Goal

English: I'm In the mad hat race. Tim scores by points by how far it goes, how many caches it meets. See for info about the race. Also take lots of pics!

Deutsch: Ich bin in den verrückten Hut Rennen. Tim Partituren von Punkten, wie weit es geht, wie viele Caches es erfüllt. Siehe für Infos über das Rennen. Achten Sie auch viele Bilder!

About This Item

Tim the Husky

English: Hi I'm Tim I'd like I'd some of the castles in Europe and come back to the starting cache before January 2015. (GC4YHZG) Please also take lots of pictures. See my partner in the race Douglas Le Pen (TB5TEYC)

Deutsch: Hallo, ich bin Tim Ich möchte Ich würde einige der Burgen in Europa und kommen zurück in die Ausgangs Cache vor Januar 2015 (GC4YHZG) Bitte beachten Sie auch jede Menge Bilder. Siehe mein Partner im Rennen Douglas Le Pen (TB5TEYC)


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Tracking History (12049.4mi) View Map

Discovered It 8/20/2016 GeGoSt discovered it   Visit Log

Beim Deadly Duck Race - The end of the race event gesehen. Danke für's zeigen 👍. Gruß GeGoSt

Discovered It 8/20/2016 Die Handballer's discovered it   Visit Log

beim entenrennen event von jotheonly in wangen entdeckt 😉

Retrieve It from a Cache 8/20/2016 jotheonly retrieved it from Deadly Duck Race - The end of the race event Baden-Württemberg, Germany   Visit Log

Mal sehen wohin die Reise führt

Dropped Off 8/20/2016 fanto placed it in Deadly Duck Race - The end of the race event Baden-Württemberg, Germany - 12.07 miles  Visit Log
Visited 5/29/2016 fanto took it to LINDAVIA-103 (Blick in die Bregenzer Bucht) Bayern, Germany - 1.2 miles  Visit Log
Visited 5/28/2016 fanto took it to TNWN_Ruine Bernegg St. Gallen, Switzerland - 17.77 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/28/2015 fanto took it to LINDAVIA-24 (Drive in) Bayern, Germany - 217.4 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/8/2015 fanto took it to FMG#6 Fort de la Motte Giron Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France - 8.84 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/6/2015 fanto took it to CE4# 28 Rando caches Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France - 357.25 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/4/2015 fanto took it to Faltbares Logbuch am Meter mit Blumen ! Zürich, Switzerland - 281.45 miles  Visit Log
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