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A Gift of Love Geocoin

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Pugglepeeps Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Friday, September 27, 2013
Ontario, Canada
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In the hands of elektron-waasland.

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This is the "Gift of Love Geocoin" so let's tell a story about someone near and dear to your heart, could be a family member, boyfriend, pet etc... doesn't matter.  <3 When you are done logging your visit, pass it on to another cache so someone else can share the love <3

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    Tracking History (33048.4mi) View Map

    Retrieve It from a Cache 10/28/2024 elektron-waasland retrieved it from 3 Vastgepind Zeeland, Netherlands   Visit Log

    deze gevonden in cach op ons gekozen rondje
    neem deze mee naar belgie zodat deze zijn liefdevolle reis kan verderzetten

    Dropped Off 10/20/2024 we20514 placed it in 3 Vastgepind Zeeland, Netherlands - 210.96 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 9/24/2024 we20514 took it to Wetterstation Niedersachsen, Germany - 181.23 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 9/20/2024 we20514 took it to Velkommen til Oksbøl Region Syddanmark, Denmark - 9.06 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 9/13/2024 we20514 took it to Vacation - Henne Strand Region Syddanmark, Denmark - 3.88 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 9/11/2024 we20514 took it to GTV -14 Region Syddanmark, Denmark - 107.29 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 9/9/2024 we20514 took it to 15. Midsommer cacher Region Syddanmark, Denmark - 4.86 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 9/7/2024 we20514 took it to 128 The Compass Region Syddanmark, Denmark - 7.01 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 9/6/2024 we20514 took it to 08 Små Grå Region Syddanmark, Denmark - 5.13 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 9/3/2024 we20514 took it to På sporet i Jegum. Region Syddanmark, Denmark - 7.11 miles  Visit Log
    data on this page is cached for 3 mins