Honeymoon Bolena
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Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Bayern, Germany
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Da uns dieser Geocoin zur Hochzeit geschenkt wurde, nahmen wir ihn zur Hochzeitsreise nach Tansania mit und geben ihm die Aufgabe zurück nach Ingolstadt zu kommen.
We recieved this coin as a gift for our wedding. We took it on our honeymoon to Tanzania, the challange is to come back to Ingolstadt
(Bavaria) Germany.
No additional details available.
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Tracking History (27097mi) View Map
Schmoellis took it to HF52 - Höger Forst Runde
Bayern, Germany
- .29 miles
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Schmoellis took it to HF51 - Höger Forst Runde
Bayern, Germany
- .15 miles
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Schmoellis took it to HF50 - Höger Forst Runde
Bayern, Germany
- .11 miles
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Schmoellis took it to HF47 - Höger Forst Runde
Bayern, Germany
- .75 miles
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Schmoellis took it to HF46 - Höger Forst Runde
Bayern, Germany
- .14 miles
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Schmoellis took it to HF45 - Höger Forst Runde
Bayern, Germany
- .32 miles
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Schmoellis took it to HF40 - Höger Forst Runde
Bayern, Germany
- .22 miles
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Schmoellis took it to HF35 - Höger Forst Runde
Bayern, Germany
- .12 miles
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Schmoellis took it to HF30 - Höger Forst Runde
Bayern, Germany
- .1 miles
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Schmoellis took it to HF26 - Höger Forst Runde
Bayern, Germany
- .27 miles
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