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Travel Bug Dog Tag Jar Jar Must Die

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Sunday, July 17, 2005
Florida, United States
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Current Goal

Place Jar Jar Binks in *simulated* life-threatening situations, take a picture, and post the picture here.

About This Item


When our friends at Burger King announced that they would be offering STAR WARS
toys with their kids' meals, we were happy that our interest in the movies would be
carried through to the next generation. Little did we know, however, that hiding among
these harmless plastic creations depicting creatures from a long time ago in a galaxy
far, far away would be the blight upon the universe known as Jar Jar Binks.

After our initial revulsion at seeing an uncanny simulacrum of this horrid beast leaning
aganst - even touching - our fries, we knew we had to do something. We spent the
next several days (actually it was the next10-15 minutes) devising methods to maim,
disfigure, and even kill this atrocity.

"Yousa say meesa gonna die?!?"

Knowing that we can't be the only STAR WARS fans to despise this monstrosity, we
realized that we had to offer our GeoCaching friends the opportunity to take part as well.

Here are the rules: place the Jar Jar TB in simulated life-threatening situations. Take
a photo, then upload the picture to share with the world.

If you like Jar Jar (gah!), please just move him along to another cache where he might
be found by another right-minded cacher. And please, no matter how strong the
temptation, do not actually harm the TB. We were able to resist; although it's difficult,
you can as well.

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Tracking History (3270mi) View Map

Retrieve It from a Cache 5/6/2006 jdstratton retrieved it from Sable Trail Michigan   Visit Log

I pick this little guy up Saturday. Will upload picture as soon as I figure out his near death experience.

  • Be prepared to be chopped, Jar Jar. HA HA HA !!!
Dropped Off 4/23/2006 larslarson&bride placed it in Sable Trail Michigan - 70.56 miles  Visit Log
  •  TB 441616 Doing in Jar Jar after a long visit with larslarson&bride.
Retrieve It from a Cache 3/19/2006 larslarson&bride retrieved it from Grand View Michigan   Visit Log

Onward and Upward to Greater Heights and More Glory!
Jar Jar

Dropped Off 3/13/2006 badgerfan18 placed it in Grand View Michigan - 1.73 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 3/12/2006 badgerfan18 retrieved it from Fun With Magnets Michigan   Visit Log

Nice Park. I think it might be a good place to go fishing. Took bug, left magnet. Team badgerfan.

  • your going down
Retrieve It from a Cache 3/12/2006 badgerfan18 retrieved it from Fun With Magnets Michigan   Visit Log

Nice park. I think I have to go fishing there now. Took travel bug, left magnet. Team badgerfan

Dropped Off 3/11/2006 Band of Bradys placed it in Fun With Magnets Michigan - 2.41 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 3/3/2006 Band of Bradys retrieved it from Pottawattamie Park Michigan   Visit Log


  • Jar Jar torn in two by some trolls Pretty Pink Princess Troll and Troll on a Mission have decided to part ways.  To bad Jar Jar got in the way.
Dropped Off 2/27/2006 Z Team 7 placed it in Pottawattamie Park Michigan - 174.28 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 2/19/2006 Z Team 7 retrieved it from “King”’s Cache Ohio   Visit Log

Heading North West for a vacation

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