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Travel Bug Dog Tag EW's Buddie Stanley

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tinyscout1 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Wisconsin, United States
Recently Spotted:
In Confluence Playground 合流点遊び場

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Current Goal

Anyone with grade school children should know the school project about "Flat Stanley." He helps them learn mapping and geography by 'riding along" with family or friends, mapping their travels. When presented with this project I thought - what better way to help by introducing geocaching to these youth. Our "Flat Stanley" went with me to some of my favorite local sites- both physical and virtual. My student and I want to send this travel bug (in honor of FS) out into the geocaching world and chart his own travels within this next year. Let's see how far he can go. So, if you run across our buddy - please pass him on. Thanks.

About This Item

EW created him in his classroom. We shrunk him down and made this travel bug. He looks like a boy -brown hair, blue eyes, yellow shirt, and that happy little face.

Gallery Images related to EW's Buddie Stanley

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    Tracking History (32802.9mi) View Map

    Visited 4/30/2018 cabefly took it to Ueno dam/上野ダム・堰堤 Gunma, Japan - 52.89 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 4/30/2018 cabefly took it to Ueno dam/上野ダム・駐車場 Gunma, Japan - 2.75 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 4/30/2018 cabefly took it to River side Station Ueno Promenade/川の駅 上野 せせらぎウォーク Gunma, Japan - 25.91 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 4/30/2018 cabefly took it to R462 Takazeki Saitama, Japan - 33.5 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 4/22/2018 cabefly took it to 山妻有のサクラ_Cherry Blossom Gunma, Japan - .26 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 4/22/2018 cabefly took it to Trout Junping Waterfall_鱒飛びの滝 Gunma, Japan - .11 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 4/22/2018 cabefly retrieved it from Fukiware waterfall_吹割の滝 Gunma, Japan   Visit Log

    Let's travel with me.

    Dropped Off 4/13/2018 mas-_-a placed it in Fukiware waterfall_吹割の滝 Gunma, Japan - 5.14 miles  Visit Log


    Visited 4/10/2018 mas-_-a took it to 上発知のしだれ桜 Gunma, Japan - 4.16 miles  Visit Log
    •  Cachly?????????????????
    Visited 4/10/2018 mas-_-a took it to KAWABADANI Dam Gunma, Japan - 6.2 miles  Visit Log
    •  Cachly?????????????????
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