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Travel Bug Dog Tag Cappuccino1969's Moelln-TB

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cappuccino1969 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Monday, November 18, 2013
Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
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Die Möllner Cachergemeinde hat zu einem Rennen aufgerufen und nun geht es los. In Florida wird gestartet. Von nun an geht es Richtung Heimat nach Mölln. Wer zuerst da ist, hat gewonnen.yes

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    Tracking History (73734.5mi) View Map

    Visited 10/9/2024 cappuccino1969 took it to Billeder i byen - NADA - MAKVERK - FINTAN MAGEE Region Nordjylland, Denmark - 24.03 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 10/9/2024 cappuccino1969 took it to Billeder i Byen - Toldboden Region Nordjylland, Denmark - 23.73 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 10/8/2024 cappuccino1969 took it to Havudsigt Region Nordjylland, Denmark - 32.56 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 10/7/2024 cappuccino1969 took it to Råbjerg Mile (Danmarks største sandkasse) Region Nordjylland, Denmark - 11.13 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 10/7/2024 cappuccino1969 took it to Skagen - The top of Denmark Region Nordjylland, Denmark - .72 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 10/7/2024 cappuccino1969 took it to Northernmost in Denmark Region Nordjylland, Denmark - 37.82 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 10/6/2024 cappuccino1969 took it to Sandy Lighthouse Region Nordjylland, Denmark - 5.97 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 10/6/2024 cappuccino1969 took it to På vej til Knuden Region Nordjylland, Denmark - 6.28 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 10/6/2024 cappuccino1969 took it to Løkken Molen Region Nordjylland, Denmark - .01 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 10/6/2024 cappuccino1969 took it to Løkken Strand Event Region Nordjylland, Denmark - 261.36 miles  Visit Log
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