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Travel Bug Dog Tag LestISmiteThee's GeoCats + Mini Bastet Squishable

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Monday, March 24, 2014
Mississippi, United States
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Meow, you found me!

I'm Nick and Gally's (LestISmiteThee) Travel Bug Cat Tag on their Mini Bastet Squishable celebrating the rescue of their third kitty Cake, the lives of all their feline family members, and the cats of Geocaching families worldwide! I was received as a prize at MAKERS, HIDERS, & FINDERS UNITE @ Dreamland. I'm their first trackable ever received as a gift or prize!

I also track the Geo-miles they've traveled with Cake, and you can see the Geo-miles they've traveled with Raziel and Starbuck here.

LestISmiteThee's Pets:
GeoHamsters / GeoRats

Feel free to share photos and stories of your cat(s)!

Note: This Travel Bug Cat Tag isn't related to Catbug, although Catbug is SUPER CUTE too!

Please visit LestISmiteThee's profile to see their:
* Geocaching story
* international travel photos
* trackables collection
* souvenir gallery
* firsts, Geo-Achievements, milestones, FTFs, faves, stats, and goals!

About This Item

Mini Bastet Squishable










Namesake: Raziel (Legacy of Kain series, "RAH-zee-EL")

Nicknames: Raraz, Ray-Rayz, Cray-Craze, Handsome Cat, Prince Cat, Enforcer Kitty, Brave Cat, Gargoyle Cat, Needlefeet, Sweetest of the Sweet Cats

Birthdate/Adopted: Oct? 2007 / 19 Mar 2008

Rescue: Athens Area Humane Society, GA, USA

Travel: Moved 7 times, lived in 5 states and 2 countries

Traits: Short-haired black mackerel tabby (fur turns dark brown with black stripes in sun/bright light). A few scattered white hairs, mainly on chest and belly. Yellow-green eyes. Black pads, nose, whiskers, and black spots on tongue. Long legs and tail. Deep purr and meow.

Likes: Food. Cuddles, especially in bed on Gally's shoulder or under her chin. Headbutts (we call them "hugs"). Being talked to. String-like toys. His blue microfiber blanket. Paper/cardboard.

Dislikes: Loud noises. Getting picked up/carried. Even one drop of water on his fur. Coffee (will try to cover up coffee mugs/beans/grounds).

His story: Believed to be the runt of the litter and left behind, "Ike" was found by the Athens Area Humane Society at an abandoned house due to his meowing. He'd cried for so long, he became mute, but was an instant favorite among staff/volunteers because of his sweetness.

We adopted him at about 5 months of age and gave him the name "Raziel" for his new life with us. He was an energetic kitten who'd pounce at us around corners and bite Nick's toes if they stuck out of the covers at night, but became calm and super sweet after becoming a big brother to Starbuck a few months later. His voice slowly came back over the next two years and he can now meow normally.

He developed struvite crystals at age 2 and was put on Science Diet s/d. But at age 4, another blockage backed up urine into one of his kidneys before we could find an overnight vet in South Korea. He underwent surgery to remove the crystal, but the damage had been done: urine had backed up into his left kidney. He was diagnosed with stage 2 kidney failure, a terminal disease, but life expectancy is undetermined. He underwent an experimental surgery to implant a stent from his dying kidney to his bladder and placed on Science Diet k/d. The surgery helped keep the kidney going longer, but neither prescription food worked over the years -- Raziel hated it, was chronically underweight, and kept developing crystals. So we put him on raw food diets by Primal and Vital Essentials, and now he's still going strong at 13 years old!



Namesake: Kara "Starbuck" Thrace (Battlestar Galactica, 2004 version), no relation to Starbucks coffee

Nicknames: Motorboat, Starbuckets (to the tune of "Hot Pockets"), Buckets, Buck-Bucks, Princess Cat, Noodlefoot, No-Bones, Chi, Cutest of the Cute Cats

Birthdate: 10 Apr 2008 / 15 Aug 2008

Rescue: Athens Area Humane Society, GA, USA

Travel: Moved 7 times, lived in 5 states and 2 countries

Traits: Short-haired white-grey classic tabby with facial stripes, swirled "bullseyes" on sides, and semi-ringed tail. Yellow-green eyes. Pink/black pads and nose with white whiskers. Long legs and tail. High-pitched purr and medium-pitched meow.

Likes: Food. Talking back when you talk to her. Cat towers. Paper/cardboard. Walking around at night yeowling with toys in her mouth and leaving them by/on our bed. Hide-and-seek. Posing cutely when you look at her. Going limp when you pick her up (hence "No-Bones"). Playing fetch with mice toys.

Dislikes: Vacuums. Dusters. Spice and citrus smells. Car/air travel. Raziel and Cake on her cat tower. When Coconut follows her around.

Her story: One day, we went to the same local pet store where we adopted Raziel just to buy cat food, and came back with cat food and another cat -- she was that cute! "Gabby" was 4 months of age when we adopted her from an Athens Area Humane Society foster mom. She hissed at Raziel for two days before becoming friends, so we named this feisty kitten "Starbuck." She was also dubbed "Motorboat" by her first vet because she purred so loudly. She was a very mischievous kitty, often knocking things over and wreaking general havoc, but Raziel became the big brother "Enforcer" who would keep her in check. To this day, she still uses her cuteness to get away with mischief and sass!



Namesake: Cake the Cat (Adventure Time), and for being sweet as cake

Nicknames: Sweet Cake, Baby Cake, Cake-Cake, PermaKitten, Tiny Tail

Birthdate: Unknown, adopted 24 Mar 2014 at around 1 year old

Rescue: Hancock County Humane Society, MS, USA

Travel: Moved 3 times, lived in 2 states and 1 country

Traits: Short-haired ginger spotted tabby. Yellow-green eyes. Pink pads and nose, white whiskers, and a couple black whiskers. Short ringed tail. Loud purr but high-pitched, quiet, kitten-like mews.

Likes: Food. Everyone. Constantly purring as loud as possible. Rubbing her face all over everyone's faces. Cuddles, especially on microfiber blankets. Playing with and grooming Raziel and Coconut. Chasing her tiny tail.

Dislikes: Loud noises. Vacuums. When Starbuck's mean to her.

Her story: Our family consisted of two humans and two cats for 6 years, but upon returning to America in 2014, we wanted to expand our four-legged family! We spontaneously visited a Petsmart one day and saw "Crystal" in the adoptable cat room, who instantly rolled over, began purring the loudest purr ever, and kneading the air! She chose us, and we couldn't say no! She's one of the calmest cats we've ever met and just likes to cuddle everyone and purr!



Namesake: The Belmont Clan of vampire hunters in the Castlevania video game series

Nicknames: Stinky Boi

Birthdate/Adopted: 19 Apr 2021 / 23 Oct 2021

Rescue: Jackson County Animal Shelter, MS, USA


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Tracking History (68878.7mi) View Map

Visited 12/31/2022 LestISmiteThee took it to Chapeaux Maryland - 39.53 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/31/2022 LestISmiteThee took it to Arterial Motive Virginia - 39.53 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/21/2022 LestISmiteThee took it to Chapeaux Maryland - 550.68 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/21/2022 LestISmiteThee took it to HCWHA - Frederick Maryland - 40.45 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/14/2022 LestISmiteThee took it to Chapeaux Maryland - 550.68 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/13/2022 LestISmiteThee took it to Power Position North Carolina - 327.57 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/12/2022 LestISmiteThee took it to By the Ole Oak Tree Georgia - 371.27 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/23/2022 LestISmiteThee took it to ❦ The Biloxi Ⓘ-➓ Travel Bug Hotel ❦ Mississippi - 371.27 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/20/2022 LestISmiteThee took it to By the Ole Oak Tree Georgia - 371.27 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/14/2022 LestISmiteThee took it to ❦ The Biloxi Ⓘ-➓ Travel Bug Hotel ❦ Mississippi - 74.45 miles  Visit Log
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