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Birthday Geocoin Birthday Geocoin Brigitte

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borane Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Bretagne, France
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Tracking History (85052.9mi) View Map

Visited 12/1/2024 borane took it to #04 Sur le chemin de Coat Amour Bretagne, France - .17 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/1/2024 borane took it to #03 Sur le chemin de Coat Amour Bretagne, France - .4 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/1/2024 borane took it to #02 Sur le chemin de Coat Amour Bretagne, France - .29 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/1/2024 borane took it to #01 Sur le chemin de Coat Amour Bretagne, France - 2.55 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/27/2024 borane took it to [ERV]#16 TAULE Lavoir du Vorlenn Bretagne, France - 1.19 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/27/2024 borane took it to [ERV]# 9 TAULE Arbres remarquables Bretagne, France - 3.31 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/27/2024 borane took it to [ERV]#2 TAULE Lavoir Bois de Lannigou Bretagne, France - 3.13 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/25/2024 borane took it to Chiastolite à Morlaix Bretagne, France - .05 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/25/2024 borane took it to Microplis à Morlaix Bretagne, France - .18 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/25/2024 borane took it to Polychromie de la Maison Penanault Bretagne, France - .32 miles  Visit Log
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