TB59J1Z [Coordinate Address Link] ▼
This is collectible.
Use TB59J1Z to reference this item.
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To Travel around from cache to cache with spooky_luke
I was kindly given this trackable by Groundspeak Lackey Bryan at Piratemania V
Discovered during the Devon UK Mega 2017. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks to Luke for allowing me to scan the QR code
Discovering these after attending the CITO tonight.
Discovered it. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Good to chat with you at the Mega, Nice collection of Geocoins. Thank you for sharing.
Discovered at the Mega with Ric4n, nice to chat with you and thanks for showing us your coins.
Nice to meet you guys whilst out climbing tress today. Happy caching
I've seen this tb at the Geocoinfest, Eindhoven. Thanks for sharing.
Seen a QR code during the GeocoinFest in Eindhoven linking to a whole lot of TB codes, wow! Thanks spooky_luke for sharing
Greetz Rolo1977
Discovered it during GeoCoinFest in Eindhoven, as TB/Coin fanatic i am really happy with them!. Thank you for allowing me to discover them. Happy Caching!
Seen @ the Mega Geocoinfest in Eindhoven. Thanks for sharing and for the cool way to share them!
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