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Travel Bug Dog Tag Homer

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beck1980 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
California, United States
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Current Goal

My goal is to visit every Springfield in the U.S. , I heard somewhere that there is one in every state...also as you may know I LOVE donuts (mmmm...foreign donuts) so I would love to sample those as well.....and my family will miss me so they want to see lots of pictures!!

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Tracking History (11025.4mi) View Map

Retrieve It from a Cache 7/5/2005 mrzap retrieved it from Patty's Mount Battie Maine   Visit Log

DONUTS MMMMMHHH. Tatze love donots too. We will see where we found some.

Dropped Off 7/3/2005 Here's to Trouble placed it in Patty's Mount Battie Maine - 59.57 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 6/5/2005 Here's to Trouble retrieved it from Eddie's Run Maine   Visit Log

“You know those balls that they put on car antennas so you can find them in the parking lot? Those should be on every car!” Homer J Simpson

Dropped Off 5/17/2005 Spotty Girls placed it in Eddie's Run Maine - 54.36 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 4/24/2005 Spotty Girls retrieved it from Laudholm Farm Cache Maine   Visit Log

Happy to have Homer for awhile, will try to get him to a good cache to help him on his way.

Dropped Off 4/19/2005 robotbunny placed it in Laudholm Farm Cache Maine - 43.91 miles  Visit Log
Write note 4/19/2005 robotbunny posted a note for it   Visit Log

My kids and friends found a cache at Laudholm Farm in Wells Reserve and left Homer there. It was fun to have him for a couple of days. Sorry we couldn't get him to another "Springfield." Hopefully the next host will have the time to get him to one.

Retrieve It from a Cache 4/17/2005 robotbunny retrieved it from Rattle Snake Mountain Maine   Visit Log

We are new to geocaching and found our first one on Rattlesnake Mountain and Homer was in it. We took him and are planning to find him a new geocache really soon (within a week or so). My kids were psyched about finding a travel bug in our first cache so we're searching now for a new hangout for him. I'm not sure we can get him to another "springfield" but we'll do our best to find cool digs for him.

Retrieve It from a Cache 4/17/2005 robotbunny retrieved it from Rattle Snake Mountain Maine   Visit Log

My children, husband and I found a cache on Rattle Snake Mountain with Homer inside. We're new to geocaching but we're going to find a new cache for him as soon as we can. Hopefully sometime in the next week or two. I'll report back when we find him a new hangout. I don't think we can get him to another "springfield" but we'll make sure he finds someplace interesting to visit.

Dropped Off 10/19/2004 Pooh and friends placed it in Rattle Snake Mountain Maine - 158.64 miles  Visit Log
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