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Travel Bug Dog Tag Eagle's Wings

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eaglesong Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, November 10, 2012
California, United States
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Current Goal

Wouldn't we all love to soar on Eagle's wings?  That would certainly make some of those hard to reach geocaches a little easier to reach.  The goal of this bug is to reach new heights.  It wants to fly higher and higher with each new placement.  It's OK if it needs to come down a little to rest but the ultimate goal is to reach the highest altitude geocache possible.

About This Item

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    Tracking History (4294.7mi) View Map

    Write note 8/30/2013 eaglesong posted a note for it   Visit Log

    If possible, I would like to have this little guy work his way back down the 395 toward Ridgecrest. I have a cacher there who can take him to some amazing altitudes (which is his ultimate goal.)

    Dropped Off 8/30/2013 2BB's placed it in Whitney View 2 California - 131.36 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 8/30/2013 2BB's took it to Sierra Travels--Visitor Center California - 132.34 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 8/30/2013 2BB's took it to Always look on the bright side of life! California - 1.29 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 8/30/2013 2BB's took it to Twin Lakes & Buckeye California - 5.04 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 8/29/2013 2BB's took it to Robinson Creek Cache California - 6.11 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 8/29/2013 2BB's took it to A Flash From The Past California - 2.4 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 8/29/2013 2BB's took it to Where's The Beef ? California - 1.11 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 8/29/2013 2BB's took it to Can you hear me now? California - 7.47 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 8/29/2013 2BB's took it to Never Say Never Again California - .57 miles  Visit Log
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