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Travel Bug Dog Tag Flowersnow's Key to the World

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flowersnow Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Tokyo, Japan
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of DavidandAshley84.

This is not collectible.

Use TB55R78 to reference this item.

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Current Goal

The owner, a six-year-old girls who lives in Tokyo, would love to see this key unlock many caches all over the world!  With this key she hopes that she can travel the world and see many different things.  Photos would be appreciated!  

About This Item

Flowersnow's Key to the World

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Tracking History (14258mi) View Map

Visited 5/5/2013 dawnzie took it to Bridge to ? Wisconsin - 19.55 miles  Visit Log
Visited 5/4/2013 dawnzie took it to I can't drive 55....around and around! Wisconsin - 13.54 miles  Visit Log
Visited 5/4/2013 dawnzie took it to Gotta Go Gotta Go Wisconsin - 13.38 miles  Visit Log
Visited 5/4/2013 dawnzie took it to A Breath of Fresh Air - XVIII Wisconsin - .5 miles  Visit Log
Visited 5/4/2013 dawnzie took it to Marsha Marsha Marsha Wisconsin - 3.6 miles  Visit Log
Visited 5/4/2013 dawnzie took it to Wayside B Wisconsin - .2 miles  Visit Log
Visited 5/4/2013 dawnzie took it to Wayside D Wisconsin - .31 miles  Visit Log
Visited 5/4/2013 dawnzie took it to Wayside F Wisconsin - .1 miles  Visit Log
Visited 5/4/2013 dawnzie took it to Wayside G Wisconsin - 5.8 miles  Visit Log
Visited 5/4/2013 dawnzie took it to Wayside H Wisconsin - .1 miles  Visit Log
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