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Friday, July 19, 2013
Lisboa, Portugal
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In the hands of Pulmori.
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Viajar de geocache em geocache com regresso marcado a Portugal em 2015, para celebrar 40 anos do seu owner!
Travel from geocache to geocache on his return to Portugal in 2015, to celebrate 40 years of its owner!
O meu owner batizou-me de #40 e quer que viaje durante dois anos de geocache em geocache onde o único destino é regressar a Portugal em 2015 a tempo de celebrar o seu quadragésimo aniversário a 22 Julho, façam-me viajar e registem imagens (tamanho pequeno please) do meu passeio na pen drive que levo na mala. Obrigado pela boleia!
My owner named me the # 40 and wants i travel for two years in geocache to geocache where the only destiny is return to Portugal in 2015 in time to celebrate his fortieth anniversary on 22 July, make me travel and record images (small size please) of my ride on the pen drive that I carry in my suitcase. Thanks for the hitchhike.
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