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Signal Tag - Feet "Froggy" the Frog

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Saturday, January 26, 2013
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of NicoSeg68.

This is not collectible.

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Current Goal

 "Froggy" the Frog


hat noch nicht so viel von der Welt gesehen und möchte gerne zu vielen schönen Orten (z. B. Australien, Kanada,...) auf der ganzen Welt. Froggys Besitzerin würde sich über viele tolle Fotos und spannende Geschichten freuen, so dass er viel zu erzählen hat, wenn er wieder zurück nach Deutschland kommen soll. Doch bis dahin möchte er ganz viel Reisen...


 "Froggy" the Frog


hasn't seen a lot of the world and would like to visit many beautiful places (p. e. Australia, Kanada,...) all over the world. Froggy's owner would appreciate lots of great photos and interesting stories, so he has to tell a lot if he is coming home. But first of all he wants to travel...


About This Item

"Froggy" the Frog

 "Froggy" the Frog

kommt ursprünglich aus Deutschland, Nordrhein-Westfalen und ist einer der ersten Trackables seiner Besitzerin. Als Neuling würde sich Froggy freuen, wenn ihm die erfahrenen Cacher ihre Welt zeigen und er irgendwann wieder zurück zu seiner Besitzerin kommen kann.



 "Froggy" the Frog

originally is from Germany, Nordrhein-Westfalen and he is one of the first trackables of his owner. As a freshman Froggy would enjoy experienced cacher showing him the world. When he has seen a lot of the world he would be happy to come back to his owner.



Gallery Images related to "Froggy" the Frog

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Tracking History (36028.1mi) View Map

Visited 9/11/2016 NicoSeg68 took it to Les traditions marcaires : chèvres de la Wormsa Grand-Est, France - 8.15 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/28/2016 NicoSeg68 took it to Le Col de Bannstein Grand-Est, France - 10.85 miles  Visit Log


Write note 8/28/2016 NicoSeg68 posted a note for it   Visit Log

Jour de chance...Deuxième travel de la journée. Découverte dans une superbe géocache. Merci

  • Découverte de Froggy Froggy à l'endroit de sa découverte
  • Découverte de Froggy Notre Lili fière de sa découverte.
Grab It (Not from a Cache) 8/28/2016 mam-our grabbed it   Visit Log

GO TO RUN ....

Dropped Off 5/5/2016 patoche68 placed it in Losbrunnen Grand-Est, France - 29.15 miles  Visit Log
Discovered It 5/5/2016 CrAzYoTa discovered it   Visit Log

Découvert dans les mains de Patoche68

Retrieve It from a Cache 5/4/2016 patoche68 retrieved it from Jeune-Bois # 5 Bonus Grand-Est, France   Visit Log

Trouvé dans la cache jeune bois#5

Dropped Off 5/4/2016 Fredo54 placed it in Jeune-Bois # 5 Bonus Grand-Est, France - 6.03 miles  Visit Log
Visited 5/2/2016 Fredo54 took it to [RT] Lycée du Bâtiment Grand-Est, France - .12 miles  Visit Log
Visited 5/2/2016 Fredo54 took it to [RT] Clairière Urbaine Grand-Est, France - 26.54 miles  Visit Log
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