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Space Gate Geocoin

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Stef u. Krid Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
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Ich nehme an einem Rennen teil, und möchte schnellst möglich

zum TB Hotel Wilkenroth  GC4YYQR  reisen.

Bitte helft mir dabei, und lasst mich nicht zu lange an  einem Ort verweilen

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Tracking History (5335.9mi) View Map

Visited 9/17/2017 Apophis2 took it to Felder - Porsche - Weissach Blick 1 Baden-Württemberg, Germany - 19.42 miles  Visit Log


Visited 9/12/2017 Apophis2 took it to Der große Sechser Baden-Württemberg, Germany - 3.55 miles  Visit Log


Visited 9/10/2017 Apophis2 took it to Spielplatz - BONUS Baden-Württemberg, Germany - 1.55 miles  Visit Log


Visited 9/10/2017 Apophis2 took it to Spielplatz Baden-Württemberg, Germany - 242.87 miles  Visit Log


Visited 9/10/2017 Apophis2 took it to Die drei ??? - Stadt der Vampire [Prolog] Baden-Württemberg, Germany - 18.14 miles  Visit Log


Visited 9/8/2017 Apophis2 took it to "Scotty, beam me up !"-Reload Baden-Württemberg, Germany - 21.1 miles  Visit Log


Visited 9/7/2017 Apophis2 took it to Vor dem Einkaufen Baden-Württemberg, Germany - 381.41 miles  Visit Log


Visited 9/5/2017 Apophis2 took it to Katedrála sv. Víta || St. Vitus Cathedral Hlavní město Praha, Czechia - 1.13 miles  Visit Log


Visited 9/5/2017 Apophis2 took it to Franz Kafka - mechanical bust Hlavní město Praha, Czechia - 1.09 miles  Visit Log


Visited 9/5/2017 Apophis2 took it to Praha - Vysehrad Hlavní město Praha, Czechia - 110.16 miles  Visit Log


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