Quackers Wants to Fish (2012)
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Thursday, June 21, 2012
Manitoba, Canada
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In the hands of Bookenways.
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Goal: Quackers, along with his daredevil fishing lure, wishes to visit some of the world's finest fishing locations in Eastern Canada and Europe.
From Google Translate, Norwegian: ~~Quackers , sammen med sin våghals fiske lokke , ønsker å besøke noen av verdens fineste fiske steder i Øst- Canada og Europa . French - Quackers, avec son appât de pêche hardi, souhaite visiter quelques-uns des meilleurs endroits de pêche du monde dans l'est du Canada et en Europe.
The Journey: Quackers was released at Oak Lake, Manitoba, Canada, where walleye and northern pike (jackfish) are common.
Places Visited: Quackers appreciates the visit to Vancouver Island in 2012 to see the fishing there. Quackers was placed in Switzerland in October 2013, placed in Liechtenstein in Feb 2014, then Netherlands and Norway in 2014. In 2015 Quackers was placed in Hungary and Netherlands. In 2016 Quackers was placed in Italy and France. Quackers has been in Germany since 2020.
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Tracking History (68338.7mi) View Map
8tentacles took it to Frankenthal-Missheimle
Grand-Est, France
- .38 miles
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8tentacles took it to Les hautes Vosges: vers le Frankenthal
Grand-Est, France
- 1.15 miles
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8tentacles took it to Un peu de Belgique dans le 68 - 3/3 La Schlucht
Grand-Est, France
- 4.62 miles
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8tentacles took it to RC3 - Hautes Vosges Nord
Grand-Est, France
- 4.58 miles
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8tentacles took it to Borne frontière
Grand-Est, France
- .8 miles
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8tentacles took it to GTDLN Moraines
Grand-Est, France
- .16 miles
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8tentacles took it to GTDLN Triangle
Grand-Est, France
- 1.4 miles
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8tentacles took it to GTDLN Virage
Grand-Est, France
- .19 miles
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8tentacles took it to GTDLN Vue de la centrale
Grand-Est, France
- .27 miles
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8tentacles took it to GTDLN Mirador
Grand-Est, France
- .15 miles
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