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Travel Bug Dog Tag * Beige Vespa *

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Saturday, June 23, 2012
Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
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Current Goal

Ich möchte nach PONTEDERA (ITALIA) reisen, wo meine großen Schwestern geboren werden.

I want to travel to PONTEDERA (ITALY) where my big sisters are born.

About This Item

Beige Vespa by

Die Serie besteht aus 3 Vespas. Die blaue Vespa reist nach Norden, die schwarze Vespa bleibt bei mir.
Die beige Vespa reist gen Süden und soll zuerst ihre Heimatstadt Pontedera besuchen. Fotos vom Vespa-Werk und den Stationen der Reise dorthin wären schön.

This series consists of 3 Vespa scooters. The blue Vespa will go to the North, the black Vespa will stay with me.
The Beige Vespa should travel to the south and visit Pontedera at first. Photos of the Vespa factory and stages from the journey there would be nice.

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Tracking History (14327.5mi) View Map

Visited 7/23/2018 MCAarau took it to RAILWAY TO VATICAN Vatican City State - .38 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/23/2018 MCAarau took it to AGT 40: VATICAN OBELISK Vatican City State - .06 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/23/2018 MCAarau took it to Travertino di Piazza San Pietro Vatican City State - .05 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/23/2018 MCAarau took it to Ricixxx~The Popes in History Vatican City State - .21 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/22/2018 MCAarau took it to Eyes Up Vatican City State - 2.3 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/22/2018 MCAarau took it to I Gatti della Piramide (Die Katzen der Pyramide) Lazio, Italy - 1.16 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/22/2018 MCAarau took it to Domitilla-Catacombe Lazio, Italy - 2.58 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/22/2018 MCAarau took it to AQVA MARCIA Lazio, Italy - .55 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/22/2018 MCAarau took it to La Basilica di S.Pietro in Vincoli Lazio, Italy - .26 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/21/2018 MCAarau took it to KG - Colosseo "Amphitheatrum Flavium" Lazio, Italy - 137.95 miles  Visit Log
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