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Jorg the Alien Travel Tag

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supersonic70 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Saskatchewan, Canada
Recently Spotted:
Unknown Location

This is not collectible.

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Current Goal

This trackable is part of a race!  Please move it and don't let it sit long
in a cache, as it needs to move far and wide before returning to Rosthern,
Saskatchewan, Canada for the <A href="">Living
Skies 2014 Geocaching Mega Event</A>!!! Please check out the points matrix below
to see if you can move it in a way that will help it get the most points!

About This Item

This trackable began it's life in Saskatoon at the Meet and Greet 2013 - "Start Your Engines 2013" event.

All trackables were be taken to the Gold Country 2013 (WestCan3) Geocaching Mega Event held in Merritt BC on 29 June 2013. This means that all trackables will be starting at the same time from the same place giving each one a fair and equal start. Starting at this event will also help spread the word of LivingSkies 2014, our geocaching event in Rosthern on 19 July 2014.

Starting the Race:

All trackables will be taken to WestCan3 held in Merritt BC on 29 June 2013. This means that all trackables will be starting at the same time from the same place giving each one a fair and equal start. Starting at this event will also help spread the word of LivingSkies 2014, our geocaching mega event in Rosthern on 19 July 2014.

Ending the Race:

The end of the race will not be determined by a finish line, but rather a finish date of July 19, 2014, 12:00 noon local time. At this time, all points will be tallied and double checked and a winner will be announced at an event on 20 July 2014.

General Race Rules:

1.  Dipping/visiting is not allowed. However, we cannot stop this from happening. Therefore, dipping gets 0 points. If a dip occurs, any points earned from the dip will not be tallied, including pictures, crossing borders, etc. In some cases, this has resulted in serious point losses. All trackables will have an attached tag that states the No Dipping/Visiting rule.

2.  Contestants in the challenge are forbidden from handling any racing trackable. This is done to prevent people from cheating by intentionally moving other entries to hinder their travels. All trackables will have an attached mission card stating that they are in the Start Your Engines 2013 race.

3.  Contestants are encouraged to follow their trackable movements. Each month, the race standings will be updated with the scores for all entries. If you feel that your entry’s score is incorrect or you feel that we have miscalculated, please contact Navyguider for assistance along with details.

4.  There is an inherent risk in releasing any trackable that it may go missing or be stalled. For this reason you are encouraged to keep on top of your trackables movements to prevent this from happening.  If your trackable does go missing, your points accumulated to that point will be used in the final standings.

5.  All contestants must start in this event

6.  When a TB is placed in a cache or event, it must be retrieved by a different cacher.

7.  It may cross the same border as many times as it wants and earn points.

8.  Only one photo per log will be counted.

9.  Events (CITO, regular, or Mega) – only one log per event will count.

10.  There are no points for discovery.

Dropped into a Traditional Cache 5
Dropped into a Multi Cache 10
Dropped into a Puzzle/Unknown Cache 15
Attend a regular Event 15
Attend a CITO 25
Attend a Mega Event 50
Cross an international border 25
Cross a provincial, state or territorial border 15
Photo of trackable with log 10
Dipping, discovery, visiting 0
Be present at Living Skies 2014 100

Gallery Images related to Jorg the Alien Travel Tag

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    Tracking History (1507.6mi) View Map

    Visited 8/14/2014 ricknsheri took it to Leap Day 2012 ~ Idaho Idaho - 180.26 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 8/11/2014 ricknsheri took it to You've Seen Lots of These #4 British Columbia, Canada - 13.62 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 8/10/2014 ricknsheri took it to Dorothy Lake Turtles British Columbia, Canada - 18.05 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 8/10/2014 ricknsheri retrieved it from Stumped? British Columbia, Canada   Visit Log

    moving along

    Dropped Off 8/8/2014 woooolfie placed it in Stumped? British Columbia, Canada - 90.12 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 7/26/2014 woooolfie retrieved it from Catbe #4 Alberta, Canada   Visit Log

    Taking it far next week.

    Dropped Off 7/13/2014 elksun4 placed it in Catbe #4 Alberta, Canada - 297.86 miles  Visit Log
    Grab It (Not from a Cache) 7/13/2014 elksun4 grabbed it   Visit Log

    dropped off in alberta

    Discovered It 11/9/2013 onebadgtz discovered it   Visit Log

    Discovered, thanks for sharing

    [url=]Logged by Geopt Geocaching Tools[/url]

    Grab It (Not from a Cache) 9/1/2013 landrvettese grabbed it   Visit Log

    My daughter brought this back to Toronto, ON from my mom's in Kamloops, B.C.. We are cruising and will be bring him with us.

    data on this page is cached for 3 mins