TB9C7A [Coordinate Address Link] ▼
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I would like to go anywhere there are Amish communities.
No additional details available.
Découvert - merci pour le partage
Vu à - Discovered it at "5@7 de Pokenike - juillet 2016".
Decouvert lors de l'event 5 à 7 de Pokenike.
Discovered; thanks for sharing. Greetings from The Netherlands.
Discovered it. Thank you for sharing.
This still listed in GCGRXJ and there is no sign of this in there. Looks it went missing quite awile ago. Needs to marked as missing....
I'm sorry to report that Amish Country went AWOL when the original version of Relax on the Virgin cache went missing.
I will drop this in a cache very soon. Thanks!
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