49th Anniversary Geocoin
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Thursday, November 29, 2012
Thüringen, Germany
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Diese Coin erinnert an den 49 Geburtstag von Teammitglied Martin...
No additional details available.
Gallery Images related to 49th Anniversary Geocoin
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Tracking History (84863.3mi) View Map
jukejoma took it to Auf nach L.A. zum LV. - die Weihnachtsfeier
Thüringen, Germany
- 5.32 miles
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jukejoma took it to Nicht ganz auf der Höhe
Thüringen, Germany
- .31 miles
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jukejoma took it to Platanenhaus
Thüringen, Germany
- 5.32 miles
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jukejoma took it to Auf nach L.A. zum LIV.
Thüringen, Germany
- 69.72 miles
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jukejoma took it to Im Räuberland
Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
- 1.36 miles
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jukejoma took it to Sesam öffne dich
Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
- 8.17 miles
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jukejoma took it to Tippe die Zahlen
Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
- .33 miles
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jukejoma took it to Charlottenlust
Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
- 4.8 miles
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jukejoma took it to Streuobstmuseum – Am Eingang
Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
- 11.41 miles
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jukejoma took it to Da fehlen doch welche! Der Bonus
Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
- .29 miles
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