This is one of over 700 travel bugs that Ai-Chan and I came across in our journey to find a geocache in every county and DeLorme page across the contiguous United States over the last year. I did not discover a single travel bug while we were in the field. Instead, I snapped a quick photo, whether a nametag, geomobile, coin, or trading card and kept moving on down the road. Always in a state of motion. Now that we have completed the journey, I am circling back around to log them all from my photos (which I have spent all day sorting through).
You may have already heard about our journey, with our video series on YouTube, but if I not I encourage you to take a look @magplanner. And, if you like what you see, please consider subscribing to the channel. We are VERY close to our goal now and will be pushing hard over the next week or so to try to hit 1K subscribers before we close out the journey with our final YouTube live session on 23 June.
In either case, thank you for providing this travel bug for us to discover along the way!