Janicelouisem's Nametag
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Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Ohio, United States
Recently Spotted:
In Make it in Livingston - Business
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This is my nametag that I used to wear to Events...but I decided to release it and see where all "I" go.
No additional details available.
Tracking History (30156.5mi) View Map
icklelego placed it in TB Hotel Letterbox
Leinster, Ireland
- 24.53 miles
Visit Log
icklelego took it to Esker forest trail
Leinster, Ireland
- 43.05 miles
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icklelego took it to Winged Wonders: Irish Coast
Leinster, Ireland
- 38.97 miles
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icklelego took it to Lock's House on the Ramparts
Leinster, Ireland
- 1.72 miles
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icklelego took it to Pile on the Ramparts
Leinster, Ireland
- .17 miles
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icklelego took it to Standing Tall on the Ramparts
Leinster, Ireland
- .73 miles
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icklelego took it to Caorthann on the Ramparts
Leinster, Ireland
- .48 miles
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icklelego took it to Battle of the Boyne
Leinster, Ireland
- 1.16 miles
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icklelego took it to Slane Hill
Leinster, Ireland
- .5 miles
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icklelego took it to TTOT 05 - Retired - Mark II
Leinster, Ireland
- 51.82 miles
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