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Travel Bug Dog Tag Reno Flask - RGC

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Mr_Joe Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Nevada, United States
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Unknown Location

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Current Goal

No goal other than to travel. Place in a 2 start or less cache. log with pictures please.

About This Item

Reno Flask - RGC

This is a flask from Reno, NV.

Gallery Images related to Reno Flask - RGC

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Tracking History (10662.7mi) View Map

Mark Missing 3/19/2014 Mr_Joe marked it as missing   Visit Log

The owner has set this Trackable as missing.

Write note 3/19/2014 Mr_Joe posted a note for it   Visit Log

It was only a matter of time that a muggle discovered it or a not so honest cacher took it. This was something you would want for a personal collection. I hope it is still out there, just not logged. It was a great run, but now it's time to archive it :(

Write note 3/18/2014 Ecorangers posted a note for it   Visit Log

Did not see this one in the listed cache today 3-18-14. Please mark it as missing (thanks).

Dropped Off 6/12/2013 Quarterpint06 placed it in Loves-a-Lot Wisconsin - 3.64 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/12/2013 Quarterpint06 took it to Root's Adventures 5 Wisconsin - 2.56 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/12/2013 Quarterpint06 took it to Jim's Super Nano's #15 Wisconsin - .17 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/12/2013 Quarterpint06 took it to NicNac6 Wisconsin - .12 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/12/2013 Quarterpint06 took it to Root's Adventures 11 Wisconsin - .15 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/12/2013 Quarterpint06 took it to Jim's Treasure #5 Wisconsin - 2.27 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/11/2013 Quarterpint06 took it to Levi's Outer Limits Wisconsin - 22.07 miles  Visit Log
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