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Travel Bug Dog Tag Blue John Lamp

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Piggy53 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of the owner.

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Current Goal

Travel the world as much as possible but try to get back home to

GC4J6E4 -  Wander by the Water Main Cache in South Yorkshire by June 2014

About This Item

Blue John Lamp

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Tracking History (57992.4mi) View Map

Dropped Off 9/18/2012 Schmoll placed it in (GI's n°7) Y a t-il un cartographe ? Grand-Est, France - 379.9 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 9/3/2012 Schmoll retrieved it from La cache du Jardin Massey Occitanie, France   Visit Log

Il va partir faire un tour en Lorraine

Dropped Off 8/30/2012 pacalou65 placed it in La cache du Jardin Massey Occitanie, France - 5.58 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/26/2012 pacalou65 took it to le menhir de Ger Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France - 83.07 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/10/2012 pacalou65 took it to La tour de Bordagain Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France - 315.23 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/10/2012 pacalou65 took it to Arboretum du père Armand David Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France - 74.13 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/7/2012 pacalou65 took it to A l'ombre du rocher Occitanie, France - 308.42 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 7/25/2012 pacalou65 retrieved it from Cairn du Pey de Fontaine Pays de la Loire, France   Visit Log

Je l'emmène voir les montagnes pyrénéennes

Discovered It 6/22/2012 Ava Dahmer discovered it   Visit Log

Dans les mains de sherpahebbes quand lui et moi l'avons trouvé dans la Tour à Plomb

Dropped Off 6/19/2012 Cocotte et Rigouston placed it in tour à plomb Pays de la Loire, France - 58.88 miles  Visit Log

Déposé tour à plomb (GC14BEM)

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