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Ampelman Coin

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schitzo09 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Friday, September 30, 2011
Hessen, Germany
Recently Spotted:
Unknown Location

The owner hasn't set their collectible preference.

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Current Goal

Ich möchte in die ehemalige DDR, wo ich auch entstanden bin!
Von da aus dann um die ganze Welt!
Am liebsten wäre es mir mit meinem Bruder dem grünen uns im gleichen Cache wieder zu treffen!

About This Item

No additional details available.

Tracking History (14074.6mi) View Map

Discovered It 10/8/2018 liliana maria discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered, thanks for sharing

Mark Missing 10/20/2014 Rheneas marked it as missing   Visit Log

Diese Nachricht wurde automatisch erstellt.
Dieser Trackable wurde von einem Geocache-Owner oder einem Administrator als "verloren" gemeldet. Trackables werden dann als "verloren" gemeldet, wenn feststeht, dass sie nicht länger in dem gelisteten Geocache oder in den Händen des derzeitigen Halters sind. Lies Dir die letzten Logeinträge zu diesem Trackable durch, um mehr Informationen über die weiteren Umstände zu erfahren.

Write note 10/12/2014 Rheneas posted a note for it   Visit Log

Unfortunately the cache this trackable was deposited in was muggled and there was no sign of it, presumed missing, so sorry about that! :-(

Write note 4/11/2014 skyejam posted a note for it   Visit Log

I wasn't sure if this coin was in the container because I took 3 TB's and the container was empty except the log paper and pencil so?

Dropped Off 3/6/2014 Goughy2012 placed it in The Mighty Fallen New South Wales, Australia - 1.92 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/5/2014 Goughy2012 took it to Brampton Drive Reserve - Take 2 New South Wales, Australia - 11.2 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/4/2014 Goughy2012 took it to Eastwood County Road #1 [North Ryde] New South Wales, Australia - 13.89 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/3/2014 Goughy2012 took it to Hawkesbury Sandstones New South Wales, Australia - .05 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/3/2014 Goughy2012 took it to Berowra Waters Views New South Wales, Australia - 8.99 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/2/2014 Goughy2012 took it to 'Rainy Day' New South Wales, Australia - 9.42 miles  Visit Log
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