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Annie M.G. Schmidt Geocoin

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Friday, February 7, 2014
Flevoland, Netherlands
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In the hands of skiproy77.

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Ik wil graag de wereld rond reizen, en daarbij een fotoboek verzamelen van plaatsen waar ik ben geweest. Het liefst zou ik 'selfies' verzamelen, maar eigenlijk vind ik alle foto's leuk.


I would like to travel the world, and during my travels I would like to collect a photo-album of places that I have visited. The thing I would like the most is collecting 'selfies', but actualy I like all picture's.

About This Item

Geocoin Front


Wie kent ze niet, Wie is er niet mee opgegroeid. De verhalen van Annie M.G. Schmidt.

Op 20 mei 2011 was het precies 100 jaar geleden dat Annie M.G. Schmidt geboren werd. Om dit te vieren is er een speciale Geocoin gemaakt met op de achterkant een stukje tekst uit Jip en Janneke, waarin ze het potlood vinden dat vader al een tijdje kwijt was. In de cirkel om de tekst alle bekende namen uit de boeken van Annie M.G. Schmidt: Jip en Janneke, Wiplala, Floddertje, Ibbeltje, Minoes, Abeltje, Dikkertje Dap, Otje en Pluk.

Op de voorkant een 3D portret van de bekende schrijfster.


Every inhabitant from the Netherlands and Belgium knows her, and almost everyone grew up with the stories that Annie M.G. Schmidt wrote.

On 20 May 2011 it was exactly 100 years ago that Annie M.G. Schmidt was born. To celebrate this there was a Geocoin made about her. On the backside of the Geocoin we see a part of one of the stories she wrote. It is a text from Jip & Janneke where they find the pencil back their father had lost. In the circle around it are the main character names from the books of Annie M.G. Schmidt. Jip en Janneke, Wiplala, Floddertje, Ibbeltje, Minoes, Abeltje, Dikkertje Dap, Otje en Pluk.

On the front side there is a 3D portret of ths famous Dutch writer.

Plz. no automatic/empty "took it to... logs", then the journey of the Geocoin is more clear. :)
Ofcourse when you take it to an intresting place related to it's goal feel free to leave a "took it to..." log.
Thank you.


Gallery Images related to Annie M.G. Schmidt Geocoin

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Tracking History (34185.8mi) View Map

Visited 1/11/2016 islandmelodee took it to RAK-16: Do a Chore for Someone in Your Family California - 4.14 miles  Visit Log
Visited 1/11/2016 islandmelodee took it to RAK-17: Donate Food to Your Local Food Pantry California - 5.74 miles  Visit Log

Visited RAK-17: Donate Food to Your Local Food Pantry (GC67TG8)

Visited 1/9/2016 islandmelodee took it to RAK-13: Candy Cane Bomb a Parking Lot California - 1.87 miles  Visit Log

Visited RAK-13: Candy Cane Bomb a Parking Lot (GC67TFA)

Visited 1/9/2016 islandmelodee took it to RAK-11: Do Yard Work For a Neighbor California - 4.86 miles  Visit Log

Visited RAK-11: Do Yard Work For a Neighbor (GC67TEM)

Retrieve It from a Cache 1/9/2016 islandmelodee retrieved it from Suzy’s Fresh Cache of the Day California   Visit Log

Will keep her moving

Dropped Off 1/8/2016 spyder1 placed it in Suzy’s Fresh Cache of the Day California - 6 miles  Visit Log

Dropped in Suzy’s Fresh Cache of the Day

Visited 1/1/2016 spyder1 took it to The House of Edward Scissorhands California - 22.1 miles  Visit Log

Visited The House of Edward Scissorhands

Visited 12/16/2015 spyder1 took it to Motor Torpedo boat PT-109 California - 10.62 miles  Visit Log

Visited Motor Torpedo boat PT-109

Visited 12/14/2015 spyder1 took it to Lap #4 California - 446.74 miles  Visit Log

Visited Lap #4

Visited 12/4/2015 spyder1 took it to Liguria Cache California - .59 miles  Visit Log

Visited Liguria Cache

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