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Travel Bug Dog Tag North Vancouver's London Black Cab Cachers Daft Fish #4

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mikdan Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Oregon, United States
Recently Spotted:
Unknown Location

This is not collectible.

Use TB49MZQ to reference this item.

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Current Goal

To wander the world looking for other  North Vancouver's London Black Cab Cachers Daft Fishes

About This Item

Daft Fish #4

Just to wander.

Gallery Images related to North Vancouver's London Black Cab Cachers Daft Fish #4

View All 9 Gallery Images

Tracking History (48326.9mi) View Map

Write note 8/11/2023 dankusa posted a note for it   Visit Log

It's not in the cache.

Discovered It 10/29/2022 Quickelinchen discovered it Trnavský kraj, Slovakia   Visit Log

Diesen TB-Code habe ich beim Stöbern in Online-Logs, Logbüchern, Caches oder im Inventar anderer Cacher gefunden.
Oder als Foto auf meinem Handy. Leider kann ich mich nicht mehr erinnern wo ich die TBs gefunden habe.
Vielen Dank fürs Zeigen!

I found this TB code while browsing online logs, in logbooks, in caches or other cachers' inventory.
Thank you for showing!

Write note 9/3/2022 Sebi_17 posted a note for it   Visit Log

EN IT IS no the cache
SK Nenachádza sa v cache

Dropped Off 8/15/2022 Kozlickovi placed it in Piestany-Bakuska IV. "Sam vojak v poli" Trnavský kraj, Slovakia - 123 miles  Visit Log

Vložen při putovaní za sérií v Piešťanech.

Discovered It 8/11/2022 zvolanci discovered it   Visit Log

zvolanci placed it in Boží muka Bavory

Write note 8/11/2022 zvolanci posted a note for it   Visit Log

zvolanci placed it in Boží muka Bavory

Dropped Off 7/17/2022 Marazbrodu placed it in Hamerský rybník Kraj Vysočina, Czechia - .23 miles  Visit Log

Podle pravidla Chyť a pusť, odkládám rybku pro dalšího rybáře🐟

  • Podle pravidla Chyt a pust, odkládám rybku pro dalšího rybáre?? Obrázek k logu z mobilní aplikace Geocaching®
Visited 7/17/2022 Marazbrodu took it to NS - SOPOTY Kraj Vysočina, Czechia - .3 miles  Visit Log


Visited 7/17/2022 Marazbrodu took it to NS - TERENNI STANICE Kraj Vysočina, Czechia - .18 miles  Visit Log


Visited 7/17/2022 Marazbrodu took it to NS - PRIRODA Kraj Vysočina, Czechia - .14 miles  Visit Log


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