TB49AQ6 [Coordinate Address Link] ▼
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To look around Australia for a while, and eventually to visit his Uncle in Gainsville Florida. Hopefully then he will travel home again to Tasmania.
Doug is my Geodog. He loves caching and does a lot of travelling with me in our campervan. He is sending his look-alike Doug Bug to see parts of the world that he will never see. He would love some pics from interesting places the Doug Bug visits. It is our first TB and we are excited to see where it goes, and whether it can ever reach Gainsville in Florida to visit Doug's uncle.
Gallery Images related to Doug Bug Doug the Geodog at GZ of a cache near home. Doug BugView All 8 Gallery Images
Saw this geocache TB in a geocache’s photo. Looks like he is now missing, so hope he is found one day!
Not a discovery. TB has been in the hands of an inactive user for 3 years. Time to mark as missing.
Visited "JB" Jervis Bay or "Just Beautiful" (GC23B1P)
Visited Welcome to Ulladulla - Travel Bug Hotel (GC47796)
Pirate cove
Visited A Marbleous View (GC18Z5J)
Top of a big hill overlooking wilsons prominentary. Victoria Australia ANZAC DAY.
What a view Sorrento Ocean Beach Victoria Australia.
See the picture on the cache!
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