TB4993W [Coordinate Address Link] ▼
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My goal is to have my picture taken by fire trucks or fire stations across the Globe. Please post as many photos as you can!
This travel bug is in memory of Captain Les Cooney of the Rescue California Fire Department to honor his dedication to his family, friends and anyone who needed assistance. This travel bug is a Yellow Fire Truck that resembles those utilized by the Rescue California Fire Department and the number, 8311, is his badge number. We hope that this travel bug travels the country and visits as many fire departments as it can. The Cooney family asks that you show this travel bug with the Fire Departments that you visit and share with them the importance of this fire truck.
Gallery Images related to Captain 8311 Ret. Rescue Fire Chief Francis Carpenter w/Bug Captain 8311's Fire TruckView All 8 Gallery Images
Leider bisher noch keinen Besuch bei der Feuerwehr. Dafür war heute der junge Nachbar zu Besuch, der bei der Feuerwehrjugend tatkräftig unterstützt. Mit seiner Haube konnte ich ein Foto machen.
Nehme dich mit auf die Reise. In meinen Heimatort gibt es 3 Feuerwehren, somit können ein paar Fotos gemacht werden.
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